Why every union thug should be shot

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Joeslogic, Feb 17, 2009.

  1. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    in the head along with three immediate family members.

    We have GM living off 9 billion dollars of our money. The union members are sucking the company dry like the parasite that they are. But while GM has to submit an action plan to the government as to how they can change to stay solvent the union refuses to budge.

    Read this:

    The UAW's Health-Care Dreams
    Union has best health care in the world, wants better.

    This is so damn disgusting to think about my money going to this imbeciles.

    GM concession talks with
    UAW break down
    Dispute over payment to retiree
    health care fund

    Updated: Saturday, 14 Feb 2009, 7:30 PM EST
    Published : Saturday, 14 Feb 2009, 7:29 PM EST


    - Negotiators for the United Auto Workers walked out of concession talks with General Motors Corp. Friday night in a dispute over payments to a union-administered retiree health care fund, a person briefed on the talks said Saturday.

    The breakdown comes at a critical time as GM races against a Tuesday deadline to submit a plan to the government showing how it can become viable.

    The Detroit-based auto giant is living on $9.4 billion in government loans, and the Treasury Department must approve its viability plan for GM to get $4 billion more. Chrysler LLC, which has received $4 billion in government loans and wants an additional $3 billion, faces the same deadline.

    At GM, UAW negotiators walked away because the company made demands that were "detrimental to retirees and the ability to provide health care," according to the person, who asked not to be identified because the talks are private.

    GM spokesman Tony Sapienza would say only that GM is working on its viability plan.

    "We're committing to meeting the goal of providing a plan as required by terms of the restructuring plan," he said Saturday.

    A spokesman for the UAW did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

    Under terms of the loans to GM and Chrysler laid down by the Bush Administration, both companies must gain concessions from unions and debtholders. Among targets for concessions is GM's cash contribution to a trust fund that will take over the obligation for retiree health care starting next year.

    GM says it owes $20.4 billion to the fund, and the loan terms set a target of giving the union half of the value in cash and half in GM stock. The trust fund would take over health care payments for GM's roughly 500,000 blue-collar retirees and spouses starting Jan. 1, 2010.

    The trust, called a voluntary employees beneficiary association, would let GM move about $46.7 billion in retiree health care costs off its books, making it more cost-competitive with Asian automakers. It is the key feature of a new four-year contract signed in 2007 with the UAW.

    The union has said that if fully funded, the trust would provide health care to retirees for 80 years.

    GM also must reduce its public unsecured debt by two-thirds and has been negotiating with bondholders to swap the debt for equity. The company said in a Jan. 15 presentation to analysts that it has $41.6 billion in debt.

    GM, Chrysler and their unions must also agree to reduce the companies' labor costs so they are competitive with Japanese automakers that have plants in the U.S.

    GM has said its total per-employee labor costs, including wages, pensions, benefits and retiree costs, are now $69 per hour. Toyota Motor Corp., GM's biggest competitor, says its hourly costs are $53. GM's costs will drop to $62 once the retiree health care trust takes effect, the company has said.
  2. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    Hire Chinamen. Whenever unions get too cocky over here, the Chinese come in and do the job twice as fast for a tenth of the pay.
  3. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Yeah we outsource. Or just buy foreign to me outsourcing is just another wrong to try to make a right possibly. I think there should be no intervention just let the business implode in on itself. In the case of GM the company should file bankrupcy. Then the retirement insurance be null and void.
  4. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    No, don't outsource. That's a different fucked up kettle of fish. I'm talking about getting Chinese and Indians INTO your country, and as the workers "strike" for better ... whatever shit they want ... have these cheap "scabs" come in and take their jobs while they sit on their asses. They'll see how fucking good they had it and BEG to be taken back on board. Take that, you fuckers!
  5. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Reiz I like your attitude.

    We do the same thing here it's called Mexicans god bless em. But the problem is just like now the politicians get involved.
  6. BullGod666

    BullGod666 Member


    You are quite obviously anti-labor and a scab that will eventually dry up and fall off the face of the earth Joe. Check your paystub some time and look for an item called "medicare" deductions. maybe we should get the federal government to take away that entitlement from the poor lazy slobs that essentially get free healthcare paid for by you and me.

    Don't delude yourself into thinking that the union officials don't understand what is at stake. You're probally just jealous that nobody goes to bat for you that way. get your head out of your ass and bitch about something meaningful.

    Walmart is a perfect example of a scab company that pays their workers minimum wage or a few pennies over. without unions setting standards, every company would pay dick wages and we'd all be working three jobs to make ends meet.:)
  7. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Yes, but cars wouldnt cost so much, and everything else thats tied to union labor, so you'd only really need one job cause the prices would drop. It's simple economics, you are putting a third party in between the labor and the employer, that wants its cut. If the union officers were actually employees of said companies and not fat cats making their own salaries that just end up costing joe assembly line worker more, it would be more credible. There was a day for unions and it has passed. I live and work in a right to work state, we have a couple of unions around, but no one can afford to use them. I make a very nice salary, and I am non-union. I have very nice benefits package, with no Union negotiator making my deals for me.

    What part of unions do you feel make them so valuable in todays society, with labor laws and all that?

    (and people that settle to work at Walmart for whatever they are offering, deserve what they make.)
  8. BullGod666

    BullGod666 Member


    You obviously didn't get the context of my comments. without unions around you wouldn't be gettting the nice wages that you are because the company you work for would have no reason to pay you a good salary and benny package. Business' aren't here to make you fat and happy, if they thought they could pay you less for your skills the most assuredly would.

    Don't be a Polly-Anna thinking that all those businesses are there to help the people, they're in it for the money and will cut your legs out from under you if they can.

    Right to work states were a republican idea to fuck the worker not help them.
  9. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    You can't blame the union workers. They are just trying to make a living like everyone else.

    Overall, I suspect that they are working for a greedy corporation like so many others. Union employees have a good portion of their check taken in fringe benefits. Who knows where they end up going?
  10. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  11. BullGod666

    BullGod666 Member


    you've posted that tired bullshit already. Medicare/medicade shitbags get the best healthcare in this country. The best in the world? you have to be brainwashed. The union members pay for a large chunk of it. countries with socialized medicine have better healthcare than anyone else, for fucks sake. stay current or go home. You're preaching propaganda that only simple minded people would believe, much the way they believe wrestling or nascar is real.

    Perhaps you didn't read how much the high ranking officers of the "Big Three" bring home. they fly in private jets, go on junkets all over the world and you have the balls to blame the unions for the auto industries problems. everyone gets a slice of the pie, some bigger than others. :)
  12. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    LOL now your totally off your rocker. But whatever.

    Oh and those high ranking officers CEOs CIOs ...whatever.

    But two wrongs don't make a right.
  13. BullGod666

    BullGod666 Member


    no less correct than the drivel you've been spewing about unions.
  14. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Look I'm not totally anti-union. My comment is against Union Thugs. There is a distinct difference. Its a Yin Yang thing and the balance of power is way to far on both ends and the CEOs on one end and the Union on the other are sinking the ship and everyone else is getting screwed.
  15. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    Do you think every American has a 100% secure job and only "the lazy" have no jobs and thus can't afford to keep their health insurance up to date? Not everyone who needs free health care is a lazy drugo scumbag.
  16. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I have friends in Canada and their socialized healthcare sucks. Really sucks.

    I think union officers should be employees, not elected 3rd parties that have no vested interest in what they are fighting for. That would be more impressive. Notice how those companies with the bloated CEOs are failing? My company is very profitable, and guess what our CEO is not on the top 100 paid CEOs, not even in the top 200. I cant give specifics but our company profited enough money to give every person in the world a dollar. Well actually a little more than that, but it's a rough estimate.
  17. BigEddie

    BigEddie New Member

    $6.5 billion revenue? Not bad.
  18. BigEddie

    BigEddie New Member

    er, profit, not revenue.
  19. BullGod666

    BullGod666 Member


    Ya think? I bet a solid 50-60% collecting don't deserve it.
  20. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Well now the way the economy is going and people are losing their jobs, I would think that your % should be lower.

    I don't like people who abuse the system either, but a lot of people now are forced into being jobless.

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