So as you know I have a devil of a time sleeping. It has been the worst it has ever been ever! I got a free trial of lunesta off the net. The last 2 nights I have slept better then I have in 10 years. I mean I was out in 10 mins and I woke up in the same spot and position I went to sleep in. None of the side effects either and i mean I feel really well rested. So I call my Doc today to get in and get him to write me a script for it. Well I get the Nurse. I tell her what's going on and I want to get a script for lunesta. She tells me he is getting away from sleeping pills and does not know if he will even give me that. I mean WTF? It helps me I should be able to get it. Why should I jump thru fucking hoops. Now I have to doctor shop til I find one who will write me a script.
Because taking them all the time is bad. The doctor probably had a lot of patients like you that hadn't slept well in ages and then all of a sudden a miracle drug helped them sleep like a baby. They started taking it every night, the effect is wearing off, and now they're having more trouble than ever sleeping without the drug. You get desensitized to it just like anything else.
What Smurf says is true and then again most would not give a damn were it not for trail lawyers. Then there is the other profit motivation. Like if you were a sales person at BestBuy and they were always telling you to push the high profit margin shit piece wireless router. Instead of the low margin 5 dollar more ten times better model (to be a good salesman means to be a good bullshitter) As an example I hate going to Dr.'s and having to go through the silly shoots and ladders map to the destination of something simple like in your case a freaking sleeping pill of all things. So the Dr. who has been practicing for 2 years but still has 300k student loan, 500k house loan, and 100k wrapped up in two cars, (and this is the important one) as well as 75 k wrapped up in a partnership with several other Dr's in a lab. Scenario; "Doc I got a fungus under my toenail and have treated it daily for a year with over the counter medication it simply will not go away and as you know I'm as healthy otherwise as can be." Does the doc subscribe Lamisil tabs? Sure but only after a few more visits $cha ching$ and some lab work $cha ching$ (part owner of the lab) $cha ching$.
I try Valarian normally and sometimes resort to a combination of that and doxylamine sussinate (over the counter generic name from wallgreens) Problem is the combination makes me feel kinda weird for half the next day. Its a catch 22 also you do not know your really having trouble till its 0200 and your still trying to relax and then you do not want to take anything if you have to be up and moving at 0630.
How's your caffeine consumption been lately? I know you go through quite a bit of Soda, and you may be doing it again without realising it.
Try a course of acupuncture (with a reputable traditional Chinese medicine practitioner - not a 'mall' clinic). Not only will you save money in the long run by avoiding dependency on pills but your sleep quality will be far more beneficial to your well being, and any underlying causes such as health problems that could be affecting your sleep will be treated as well.
Here is a cheap and effective way, just tell your wife to tie you to the bed, then hold a pillow over your face till you stop twitching. You will be asleep in no time. Of course you may wake up with a bitch of a headache, but you have to give some to get some. . . .
That reminds me hell I've been married so long I forgot. Sex makes a guy sleepy. The girl to if done right. But what the hell no since in going through to much effort. Just tell the wife she has got to give you a quickie.
I have heard potive about lunsta, non-habit forming, non-narcotic, and a rel sleep aid that makes you feel rested, from real REM sleep. im sure yuo can find other ways t scor it grim... stay away fom ambian
I can't speak for Lunesta, but have to agree with Dwaine. Ambien is the devil. It made me have nightmares and sweat alot.
There are pleanty of RX happy doc's out there Grim. Might even try a psychiatrist. Insomnia is typically a sympton rather than the problem, Grim. Just something to chew on.
ED + ADD = ??? I'm not sure if that means you can't pay attention long enough to keep it up, or you can't stay in long enough to finish.
Grim, Normally I couldn't care less, but since it is sleep, I know first hand how terrible it is to lie awake in bed just hoping for sleep to come. Caffeine is one of the most effective central nervous stimulants in the world it will affect sleep patterns if you use it long enough and take in the amounts you have reported in the past. Drink water and plenty of it; get some vitamin C and vitamin B complex. The only thing I would advise is healthy natural sleep, come home from work eat your dinner and do 30 to 45 minutes of exercise, what ever that may be, riding your bike, going for a brisk walk with or without your wife. You will notice a difference, also try and make an effort to eat well, at least as practically as possible. I am going to say that you at least exhibit one or 2 signs of an addictive personality, or at least compulsive, don't trade one habbit for another.
A year from now Grim is sleeping like a baby at night and during the day we watch yet another doped up U.S. biker win the Bike race in France. :?
Checkers is right. I quit caffeine completely a couple of years back, and it wasn't until I stopped taking it that I realised how wired it had been making me. Try herbal teas. Chamomile is apparently extra good for relaxation, but unfortunately to my palate it tastes like dog's urine. But any non-caffeinated herbal tea in place of coffee/tea/soda will improve your mellow.