Why bother

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by unlimited-time, Feb 3, 2004.

  1. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    There are 4198 people who have takent he time to register on fugly forum and not posted a single post. :? Why would you bother.
  2. 10px

    10px New Member

    so they can be cool and tell their friends they are a 'member' of the worst forums on the internet?
  3. Fugly

    Fugly Administrator Staff Member Fugly Staff

    It has to be our host.

    Look at this: http://spews.org/html/S339.html

    We're on this fucking spam list. Our IP is anyway. I am sure many people register and never get a confirmation email. Some people can't even get to the site.

    If you have an AOL account or even a Yahoo account, try registering. Try sending yourself an email from this site. It won't work.

    Are there any lawyers out there? Does anyone know if we can sue for this? We were never blacklisted until we got to this new host of ours, Candidhosting.

    The server used to be owned/leased by latina-movies.com. For months, if you did a reverse DNS lookup on us it went to latina-movies.com.

    This is bullshit.
  4. Matthew

    Matthew New Member

    if your interested in moving pm me how much space you use and traffic per month, i work for a rather large service provider, and pretty much everyone i work with here has servers for hosting. hell i used to have one.
  5. Darkgroovey

    Darkgroovey New Member


    if your interested in taking the appropriate legal action to prevent your IP from being black listed now and in the future PM me, give you my details
    also some ways to getting around being blacklisted in the DNS MS records and all that crap.


  6. Darkgroovey

    Darkgroovey New Member


    if your interested in taking the appropriate legal action to prevent your IP from being black listed now and in the future PM me, give you my details
    also some ways to getting around being blacklisted in the DNS MS records and all that crap.


  7. Darkgroovey

    Darkgroovey New Member

    echo echo my appologies.
  8. Evilhamster

    Evilhamster New Member

    Hmm...I have no idea if it's because the problem has been fixed, but I registered just a couple days ago and got my confirmation.
  9. Evilhamster

    Evilhamster New Member

    Hmm...I have no idea if it's because the problem has been fixed, but I registered just a couple days ago and got my confirmation.
  10. Evilhamster

    Evilhamster New Member

    I just registered a couple days ago and got my confirmation. Mebe I just have terrible spam protection.
  11. Evilhamster

    Evilhamster New Member

    weird...said there was an error and I couldn't submit...sorry 'bout the spam
  12. Captain Morgan

    Captain Morgan New Member

    yeah, did that to me a couple times before
  13. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    See Marty, this cloud has a silver lining... Your blocked IP (which might be on 'the list' in the first place due to the porn popups in the past, or maybe even the "/dick" page you host) - might also be a barrier that keeps all the witless morons off of the site (a 'screener,' if you will...) - only the most devoted fans are allowed to come here, through both their desire to be here and their resourceful natures.

    And maybe the occasional few obnoxious, unintelligable bastards that make it through the 'firewall,' accidentally, from a service that doesn't block your IP - and decide to post at your forums...
  14. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    See Marty, this cloud has a silver lining... Your blocked IP (which might be on 'the list' in the first place due to the porn popups in the past, or maybe even the "/dick" page you host) - might also be a barrier that keeps all the witless morons off of the site (a 'screener,' if you will...) - only the most devoted fans are allowed to come here, through both their desire to be here and their resourceful natures.

    And maybe the occasional few obnoxious, unintelligable bastards that make it through the 'firewall,' accidentally, from a service that doesn't block your IP - and decide to post at your forums...
  15. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    See Marty, this cloud has a silver lining... Your blocked IP (which might be on 'the list' in the first place due to the porn popups in the past, or maybe even the "/dick" page you host) - might also be a barrier that keeps all the witless morons off of the site (a 'screener,' if you will...) - only the most devoted fans are allowed to come here, through both their desire to be here and their resourceful natures.

    And maybe the occasional few obnoxious, unintelligable bastards that make it through the 'firewall,' accidentally, from a service that doesn't block your IP - and decide to post at your forums...
  16. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Goddammit... Fucking board kept saying "Error... DEBUG MODE..." Didn't know it inscribed it every fucking time I tried... :roll:
  17. KaptainSkitzo

    KaptainSkitzo New Member

    I'm glad some of the other forum's I'm on use this program...I learned that shit a few years ago.

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