More ideas on the origins of life, 2012 and nibiru politics and religion. Is the question really about money? When you have all the money and all the power, then what? There is nothing left to reach for, or is there? Why do they really need to control us or exterminate 80% of the population and stop us smoking at the same time?, are eugenics and genetics really evil or crucial for creation of a more efficient human race? Is it about the 'Earth Empire' and its place within the universe. I don't think I can really answer anything with certainty, but at this very important stage with so many wild and unbelievable elements of 'the truth' coming to light in many scientific fields and with everything happening in the world right now, I think everyone best be on their toes and keep a keen eye. Its really important you don't get distracteed with trivial things, mindless TV, gossip and if you do, just don't forget that this 'other stuff' is out there, because thats what THEY want. Either way, take these things with a pinch of salt, some consideration at least, before you scoff or laugh at the ideas presented. 1 2 3 4 5