who was the odd thomas obsessed twat??

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by tommy710, May 1, 2012.

  1. tommy710

    tommy710 Active Member

    Who was it that messaged me years ago waffling on about the odd Thomas series by dean Koontz asking me if i had read them?
    Well i hadn't then and i still haven't now,unfortunately years of drug abuse has prevented me from remembering anything that happened longer than 3 minutes ago,so im reduced to trying to find 'wheres wally'(or waldo if your a yank type) .
    Well hold on to your pecker big boy there's another one coming for you,heres to months of tedious sticky fumblings under your quilt at 3 in the morning you dirty little mare,i just saw this.....


    there's another dark tower book coming to called 'the wind threw the keyhole' if your in the least bit fucking bothered,but damn right im gonna give it a blast.

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