So his name is Alex Jones, from what I've heard he's a radio talk show host. Mr. Jones is under the impression that 9/11 was an inside job and that an organization called the Illuminati is responsible for everything wrong with the world. This guy is something else folks. In the first video he adresses "yuppies", which I believe to be fans of technological gadgets. I don't what else that word means. I'm not too sure what he's ranting about so maybe someone can tell me after seeing it. In the second video he simply goes berserk and pretty much jumps from 9/11 conspiracy to "new world order" and then to guns being taken away. This guy is a riot and if you thought you could throw a tantrum, you haven't seen this dude. The second video is from The Young Turks but the intro is only a few seconds short and it jumps right into it. First vid: Second vid:
Alex is a nut. Yuppy is 80's term picture the ivy leage colage kid wearing shorts, penny loafers and a cardigan sweater and driving a pansy ass sports car.
Ronald Reagan coined the term Yuppie. Who is to say that the New World Order is a crazy theory? I watch people being controlled by a higher power each and every day of my life. Hell.... the church has people doing there bidding without an ounce of proof that anything they preach is even real! Just based on fear of unknowns.
If there are people agreeing with him that the banks are poisoning our food and water and that CPS is kidnapping kids, we have a problem. I think I know where he's coming from but the whole "I know they're gonna kill me" just wrecks his credibility.
The banks arent poisoning us, the Chinese are! It is more likely that the Kennedy assasination(s) were inside jobs than 9/11. Maybe a domestic terrorist group, but that wouldnt explain all the hajis on the planes with known terrorist links. I really hate to think that some of these people are breeding.
You heard it hear first: it's a crazy theory, unless you're talking Hulk Hogan's wrasslin organization. The NWO or Illuminati or International Jewery or whatever, they all require a heckuvalotta cooperation. But I think it'd be pretty cool if somebody was actually in control of stuff. not convinced Reagan gets the props for "Yuppie:"
Why is it so crazy a theory? Every organization ruled by a higher organization which is completely unaware someone is in fact controlling them? For instance.... why couldn't the illuminati top dogs ask a mafia power to send a low powerman (lets say a casino owner) to send a writer to get hired in hollywood as a guild writer? Then have such man write stories and screenplays that favor the illuminati's goals? Lets say.... a story that shows how casinos bring in jobs and prosperity to an otherwise bleak and depressing town. The writer would think he's doing his job for the casino owner by promoting casinos as good and wholesome. The casino owner would think he's doing a job for the mafia. And the mafia would think they were working for someone above them and so on and so on. According to Illuminati lore.... every organization is controlled by them. From the Mafia to Actors Guild to PETA to the Trekkies. Everytime a group manages to gain WHAT THEY THINK is a little bit of power.... they are unaware they have done EXACTLY what the power above them wanted them to do in the first place. Not that they are even aware that a higher power has a hand in their affairs at all.
An arbitrary, chaotic, lawless world is really scary, so I like your conspiracy theory a lot better Cheezedawg. Life would be so much easier with a Big Plan... I know I'd sleep easier knowing the Illuminati or Tom Cruise or Zoroaster or just about anybody was really running stuff, making decisions and all. Hey wait is it safe to talk all this super secret Illuminati stuff on Fugly? Seems like They should have their own discussion board, with like serious hard core password protection and all. https even.
That theory has too many flaws to be substantial. It wouldn't be in the Illuminati's best interests to be talked about and yet everyone has heard of them. You have to understand what true power means, and I'm not talking about the dictionary's definition. Power comes from dependence, when you are the sole owner of a valuable resource you have power over the people that are dependent on that resource and I'm not necessarily talking about oil or money, knowledge can also be a valuable resource. If I make billions of dollars like Bill Gates, it's very unlikely that I will be dependent on someone else's control of a resource. This is a crude example but it sums up what power means. Forbes publishes the top ten richest people on earth but they have it all wrong, the richest people on earth pay a lot of money to be "unheard of" and it's better that way. There are schemes played at levels we couldn't possibly understand but it's a bit more complicated than some vague Illuminati conspiracy. Greed is the main factor of these schemes, not "world domination". I'm gonna ask you to read about a subject before we debate this any further, read about "the ecology of thought". It's a very interesting theory about how trends, ideas, and lies are perpetrated through generations. I'll give you an example: Back in the late eighties people started suing power corporations because they believed that power lines gave cancer due to the electromagnetic fields found around high voltage areas. Billions of dollars later, the companies had moved the lines and paid for hospital bills. Nowadays, the new craze is to put magnets in your pillow and mattress because you should be profiting from the wonders of electromagnetic fields. See the irony? Check it out; the ecology of thought.
"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that he didn't exist." You talk of greed. Whats happens when you have ALL the money in the world? You can buy whatever you want.... what then? All of the sudden... money isn't enough. You want power to do whatever you want, whenever you want, to whoever you want!
But money isn't all pooled into one big bank account. I study macroeconomics/microeconomics and I can tell you that it's absolutely impossible to have "all the money". The whole modern concept on the Illuminati thing came out of Dan Brown's novels. There is no substantial historical evidence that such organization wielded so much power. It's fantasy, it's like arguing with someone that believes there really was a King Arthur or a Sherlock Holmes. You didn't read what power really means, power isn't about doing what you want when you want. Money can get you that anytime. Power is the dependence that people have on a valuable resource that you control. Such as oil, energy, money, knowledge, and perhaps healthcare like Joe said. Besides, what do the Illuminati control? Which corporations? How does it affect the economy? How does it affect you? What is the extent of their fortune? What are their symbols? Where can they be found? Answer those without any rethorical bullshit and then we'll talk. Give me some information, not Alex Jones' paranoia induced crazy talk, real information. (Interesting to note that to stump a Global Warming theologist you simply ask similar questions, to test the actual knowledge of the person rather than the media rethorics. Questions like: What is the actual increase in temperature? How many glaciers are "melting"? How many glaciers in the world? Which regions of the globe are the most affected? These questions, when asked without the help of an online source, trump most people. They don't know the true effects of so-called global warming and are used to people agreeing with them all the time. Truth is, the media rarely give you hard facts, only rethorics.)
Of course you can't have ALL the money. That would render it useless. Real power is deciding who gets it. If you control all the money, you wield all the power. Anyways.. here are the answers to your questions. Theoritically, they control all corporations. Without their knowledge! It affects the economy when folks must turn to THEM for jobs. When banks must go to THEM for loans. This affects me on a level that I must work all my life in order to have the things THEY say I need to survive. I'm not talking about food, water and shelter. I'm talking about toilet paper, Television, radio, transportation, phone service... things that aren't essential to life.... but make it enjoyable. The extent of their fortune is this..... whatever they want... THEY GET! And don't have to spend a single dollar. The symbol most people would recognize is the one on the back of a dollar bill. It can also be found on Masonic Lodges. The pyramid with the ever watching eye. They have their symbol on our money! Unless you can come up with a better explanation as to why there is Pyramid on the back of an AMERICAN dollar. You see any pyramids around here? And how about the slogan right underneath? New Secular Order? Pretty close to New World Order if you ask me.