This should be good for at least 2 or 3 reflex "for you to stop posting". Anyway, I think I wll try to find a really good amplifier for my guitar.
What do I want? really? besides peace on earth? peace of mind? I'm getting what I want. My kids and I will be together, and I will be able to be with them..that is more than a lot of folks are getting this time of year, and fuck me for being corny, but family squabbles and all, I'm grateful. Oh yeah, and I want a fireplace in my house and a pool and hot tub out in the back yard.
a thermonuclear device so I can destroy a metropolitian section of the USA, so they can't say "it was one of them muslims"
Hi Dan! I know what I want for Christmas! Can you help a brother out? Barry
Well you got endorsed by the guy that want to fuck you in ass. Damn, what the fuck are you doing man! How did you get to this point?! Your living in a retarded periodic gastric bypass Dr. Phil hell. Your life, your posts, your brain, your wife, your kid. your job. All of them fucked uP! That is just too bad. What a way to spend Christmas.
Don't kid your self Dan. You would trade places with me in a split second. Unlike you, I actually have warm and reciprocal relationships with other humans. The worst part of my life is better than the best part of yours, Doctor, and you know it. By the way, have you considered a Barium enema for yourself? I understand that those are useful to valuate the extent of inflammatory bowel diseases. Barry
You know Barry I have been wondering about Dan for the last week. He has been more combative then normal. Which is not at all like him. Is it that new male PMS they where talking about on Fox over the weekend?