While I am not against using the military kicking ass (backed up by all our scientific advantages) when it can do some good but not staying just kicking ass and getting out like Bush Sr did with very few casualties. I don't think we need a crusader. Leave it to them to rebuild their country and make their government. Their next leaders will remember what happened to the previous ones if it crosses their minds to mess with us. In addition I don't like a lot of other conservative shit like pro-choice, anti-environment, drug testing for just about any job with test that will soon go back to when you were sucking on your mother teat, invasion of privacy, no strip clubs, increasingly self-righteous dipshits in positions of power who cause more harm than good. It's just not good. More libertarianism is what is needed.
another example that applies directly to this site is advertisers pulling adds based on a few "naughty pictures" and colleges banning hits on sites deemed "off color".
Less government dependence, free market "Liaise Faire" as the once independent minded French would say (a mere shell of what they once were now since they turned communist.) Yeah I'd say I'm a libertarian. And I vote against almost every liberal issue. So Conservative I suppose.
The problem is that the word conservative as it applies now has been corrupted and each side has redefined itself and the words liberalism and conservative don't mean much whereas the word libertarian has kept it's meaning.
For the most part true until you break it down to fiscal policy, social policy etc. I'm definitely a fiscal conservative. And that is where the conservatives have been consistent from day one. Socially I'm more libertarian. But you see conservative from a fiscal stand point does not mean the government needs to intervene far from it. The government needs to leave business alone for the most part. You got to see through the smoke and mirrors hat trick the socialists will use to make the appearance that capitalism is the root of all evil. Especially in your line of work. All that regulation and paperwork you can blame squarely on the socialists and the trial lawyers. All the extra waste and inefficiency. Then you start seeing the whole picture. Tort reform= conservatives for example.
I want to say conservative, however, I think my definition of that is different than the neocon Ideas that Nursey associates with the label. I have voted both parties simply because there is a big difference in a NY democrat and a Southern Democrat, I would say that most southern democrats are the equivelant to a Reagan era conservative.