What the internet was like...

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by felch_grogan, Jun 4, 2004.


Is everyone here a juvenile wanker that still thinks enormous graphic .sigs and smilies are cool ?

  1. yes

    0 vote(s)
  2. no

    0 vote(s)
  3. F-U-C-K-A-L-L-O-F-Y-O-U-S-T-U-P-I-D-N-I-G-G-E-R-F-A-G-G-O-T-A-U-S-C-H-W-I-T-Z-B-A-I-T-G-O-O-K-W-E-T-

    0 vote(s)
  1. felch_grogan

    felch_grogan New Member

    ...when you reetards were still in napies.

    _______________BEGIN STORY______________________________________________________

    ~Date: 6 May 90 15:52:08 GMT
    ~Reply-To: derrick@ritcsh.UUCP (Derrick Williams)
    Organization: Computer Science House @ RIT, Rochester, NY
    ~Lines: 105

    On a related note I once was at a friend's house and he had a new litter of
    gerbils that had been born a few weeks ago. We took them out of the cage and
    played with them on the dining room table. They were almost fully grown, about
    the size of a man's palm. My friend hadn't named the gerbils yet, because there
    were so many of them. It soon became apparent that these gerbils would start
    another new litter if my friend didn't get rid of them. So we were deciding what
    to do with this problem when he broke out a case of beer. We drank and played
    with the gerbils all through the evening. The little gerbils were making turds
    all over the table and little puddles of piddle leaked here and there. We would
    pick them up by their tails and put them on our shoulders, all the while
    knocking back some brew. We tried to give the little critters some of it but
    only one deigned to take a little sip of it. I guess at that time we drank most
    of the case of beer and we were pretty wild. We started playing toss with the
    little furry creatures and I tried juggling them. Well, in our drunken state
    we weren't doing too well so we took them to the kitchen to see what fun things
    there were to do with them. Well, this house was a bit old fashioned, and one
    of the implements was a red meat grinder, you know, one of those things you
    put meat in a funnel and turn the handle and it comes out in itty bitty peices?
    Yeah, well we were just pretending to be putting one of the gerbils in, you
    know, and we were laughing like maniacs like it was the funniest things in the
    world. My friend was shaking, and I think he lost his grip. At any rate, we
    couldn't find the gerbil. It must have fallen somewhere. So we stood around
    trying to look through the haze to try to figure out where it went. We heard
    little sqeaking noises in the funnel of the meat grinder, and in a fit of
    hilarity, we spun the handle a few times. Man, you never heard such a noise.
    The little bastard had fallen in, and when my friend turned the thing, the
    gerbil let out an ear peircing squeak, and you
    could hear little scratching sounds in it. blood was starting to dribble out
    of the exhaust thingy, which we thought was absoulutely thigh slapping. So
    we would turn the handle a little, making a <GRIND> sound,and the the little guy
    would go <SQUEAK>, so we were going <GRIND><SQUEAK><GRIND><SQUEAK><GRIND>
    <SQUEAK> and man, was it a riot! Pretty soon it stopped making noise and this
    horrendus mess was dribbling all over the sink so we gave it up and tried to
    find the rest of the furry rats.
    My friend told me to gather up the rest of the critters and he would be right
    back. Well, in my stupor, I could hardly stand still, so picking up the animals
    who had run loose all over the kitchen was pretty hard. I picked them up and
    put them back on the kitchen sink. I was a bit clumsy and I happened to step
    on one, making a loud snap. The poor guy was was lying squashed, his arms
    twitching around like he was trying to get up or something. There was blood
    running out of his ears. Man, was it a sight! I picked it up by its tail and
    tossed it playfully at my friend who ran in with an kitchen implement. He
    showed me the Qusinart he had gotten from the basement, and boy, did we have
    a fit! We absolutely shrieked with laugher as I gathered up the furrballs that
    were running around in the sink. We put them in the yellow chamber in the
    modern cusine wonder. Well, it wasn't easy, what with them climbing out. We
    got them all sealed in, with the top we had to try a few times to make it
    snap in place. Boy, you shoulda seen those guys in that tight space! They were
    jumping all over each other and looking through that plastic, sniffing at it and
    putting their paws up against it when we tapped on it. Their beady black eyes
    looking at us inqusitively and their noses twitching. Well, we couldn't hold
    off the temptation anymore; our sides were splitting. So as I laughed like a
    maniac, my friend's hand thumped firmly on the "on" button. Oh, wow! Those
    Gerbils leaped like crazy, like when you shake a box of marbles. The blade
    wasn't doing too well as those mangled gerbils got caught on the blade and were
    frantically waving their paws as the machine grinded. This one guy had his
    lower adbodmen ripped off and you could see the wet insides, and he was crawling
    around in his front legs. There was another with half his face sliced off and
    he was rubbing it with his paws like he was wondering what was going on.
    At any rate, my friend tried to get the blade unstuck by pushing the "Pulse"
    button a couple times, and the Qusinart was going "WHOOM!" "WHOOM!" "WHOOM!"
    , which just barely masked out the racket the critters were making.
    Finally, the darn creatures stopped moving around, and then the blade went
    "clakety clackety clackety" as it grinded up the little gerbil bones. We
    couldn't see anything in it after that, as there was this reddish brown paste
    smeared all over the sides with bits and peices we were trying to figure out
    which belonged to which gerbil. We were really going at it, but then the effects
    of the beer was finally taking its toll, so we decided to call it a night. I
    crashed in his living room couch nd chuckled myself to sleep, as he fumbled
    So the moral of this story is that you should only puree' little animals in
    a meat grinder or a Quisinart. How many "man" sized animals do you know that
    can be placed in such a small place? Have you tried this with ferrets? How
    do you know what is true? Well, facts are facts, buddy, and you shouldn't
    do this with turtles or other animals that are hard to grind up. God didn't
    make Man small enough, which lead to the fact that we have to depend on
    tiny creatures for entertainment.
    Wocka wocka, and until next time,

    /______/ /___\
    |______/ _/_____| Holy Temple Of Jolt Swiggin' Dudes
    |_--.__/ / / _/_| "We Never Sleep"
    |_\ / __\| |\ \__|
    |\_(_/ /_|__/\_\_|
    |____/_/__COLA___| Derrick Williams, Chief Acolyte
    |2x the caffeine.| EECC
    |The Switch Is On| Rochester Institute of Technology

    Of course, somebody always feels a need to respond to such things...

    >sheeesh.. talk about sick minds, if I'd ever walk in sombody doing something
    >like that, I'd surely grab the first heavy thing in sight and bash his knees
    >and elbows until *they* knew what it is like to be savagely mangled.

    Don't you think that it is pretty sexist to only think that males can
    enjoy a good rodent?
  2. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    hey, don't hate just becuase Im 15
  3. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Hey "Feltch" - do you always feel the need to quote Ulfur in your polls?

    Honestly, an ounce of creativity couldn't hurt, y'kno...

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