I started to put this in the "Cold Sober" forum, but I knew that it woul get out of hand quickly and degenerate into jokes about private parts and excrement, so I just put it here. What is in a Name? I met a mother today who named her twin Daughters MARJUANIA and TARJUANIA. (No Kidding, spelled just like marijuania except the "i" was ommitted. I think it borders on child abuse. I think of names like "Moon Unit" Zappa, and wonder why she has not sued her parents. Does a child's name really matter? Does "freedom of expression" protect a parent that names his/her daughter "Klamidia" or "Marjuania?" Barry
I have seen the following names from thoughtless parents: Richard Head Wayne Kerr Brown Noseworthy Grass Pepsi Bobo Pinky
Pfft not nearly as bad as that one bitch who named her kid Apple. What the fuck is that about? Fucking naming your kid after a fucking fruit.
I've met two different dudes named Mike Hunt, Also, there are the Knopf brothers in my home town... Wayne and Jack What is wrong with parents?
I think paula yates takes the biscuit with 'Heavenly harano trixxi bell'(or some at like that)and 'fifi trixxi bell'i wonder how long they lasted on there first day of school before they where beaten up in the cloakroom/
evidentally she heard the word in the hospital where she wa giving birth and thought it sounded pretty. *shrug*