what I did today

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by I HATE NAGGERS, Mar 10, 2001.


    I HATE NAGGERS New Member

    got up
    looked around
    fed animals
    made espresso
    drank espresso
    cracked a beer
    baked a lasagna
    ate some lasagna
    stripped wallpaper off guest bathroom (that's WC for you Brits)
    sanded, spackled and primed walls
    Didn't answer door when IMC came over yelling "Please spackle my ass cheeks!" (niggers are so weird)
    Took client's motorcycle down the road for shots and beers with neighbor that has a newly broken heard and is drowning his sorrows in alcohol..(YAHOO!)
    posted on Fugly
    that's about it so far...
    Still to come:
    feed animals
    eat more lasagna
    drink more
    go out on the town maybe if heartbroken neighbor has any money...
    jack off to female bodybuilders pictures

    like any of this is any of your fucking business you nosy pricks...
  2. Phuck Ya

    Phuck Ya New Member


    I will kill you all. Have a nice day.

    I HATE NAGGERS New Member

    Unexpected addition to things I did today...

    Question: What's worse than babysitting a drunken lovesick jilted neighbor?

    Answer: Being sober while doing it....
  4. Scrawine

    Scrawine New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by I HATE NIGGERS:

    baked a lasagna
    stripped wallpaper off guest bathroom (that's WC for you Brits)
    sanded, spackled and primed walls
    Took client's motorcycle down the road for shots and beers with neighbor that has a newly broken heard and is drowning his sorrows in alcohol..(YAHOO)

    You bake-I'm amazed, so few guys out there who'll actually do some cooking!
    YOu did a bit of DIY in the house? Shocked!
    You have a heart? Shocked Shocked Shocked!

    I HATE NAGGERS New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Scrawine:
    You bake-I'm amazed, so few guys out there who'll actually do some cooking!
    YOu did a bit of DIY in the house? Shocked!
    You have a heart? Shocked Shocked Shocked!

    Yes. I found out many years ago that if I wanted to eat something besides tomato soup or macaroni and cheese, that I had better take over the kitchen. I don't even let the ol lady in except to do the dishes...

    DIY? Yep. Just can't get enough projects for ALL my spare time.

    Heart? Nahhh..I just told him to forget the bitch that dumped him, and that the tramp was probobly out fucking somebody else as we spoke.....I figure the truth is the best cure...I left there about 2:30 am and I bet he called the whore after I left....pussy.
    She kissed him off 2 days ago...yesterday afternoon he gets tag teamed by 2 chicks he met on the internet, then we go the the bar and he's got some bitch hanging all over him and he leaves with a phone number, then he comes home and cries about the cheating whore that left him..I don't get it..
  6. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    I was with him... it was almost funny when he almost broke into tears...

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