Now there is a politically incorrect comment. I have thought on it several times and have some theories. Basically having to do with circumstance and availability of assets. End the end though I still believe that all of mankind was created equal. Not the same but equal. Have you ever read "The Bell Curve" actually I do not think anyone has actually read it. I have it and it is a very huge compilation of statistics that my point to the answer to your question. Ask for it at a library or a major book store and check out the interesting response.
A lot of Africas problems stem from nature. TzeTze-flies kept domesticated hores out of Africa proper for a long time. Both predators and the biggest herbivores are menaces of another caliber than seen elsewhere. Mankind spring out here and if you look at old cultures they seem to have had some difficulty turning around these last five hundred years. ( They are coming though ). An interesting line in historical research has been that of comparing availability and quality of livestock and crops. Imunology and preassures of war and migration. The best herds and the finest fruits win the war. Blaming a hundred years of european colonialism I find a bit lame. Thats where the argument of the weak victim from and of Africa comes from. The Bell curve follows this. IN the world of man, real weakness IS stupidity. Not able to change to a better way of doing things the most usual failure. IS the IQ difference a genetic or a social product ? Stats show similar lines for poor euro-ethnics as for poor afro-ethnics. At same time genetics seem to be a contributing factor in shaping the areas of crime and poverty, as well as success. This example I like: Are the Azhkenazi jews the smartest etnic group because the are Kazar Turks most of them ? Ot is it because they got this real cool religious conversion a long time ago. Creating a cultural context for them to be free and happy in. If you take some other eurasian turkish tribe and compare cousins, you will likely find many depressing cultural traits propagating themselves. A banal example of genetics matching up for success or failure, is wether the current silverback likes my smile or not. Success can be mine if big boss and i share the same stories." You from back home ? Cool" ! The genes will follow this line, but you miss the point if you equal the genetical heritage with the ability to compare recipies of either applepie or gumbo.
Funny I agree with all of those observations except one. And at the same time I believe "The Bell Curve" would back up those same observations as well as cover much much more. This leads me to the assumption that possibly you are commenting on the book in reference to what you have herd or have been led to understand. If you have not then I encourage you to read The Bell Curve if you have then I suppose in the vast amount of information provided that different people can come up with differing opinions. One thing for certain I once again take the position and whole heartedly believe that all mankind ethnic groups whoever are created equally. Quite possibly different but equal. And the book actually in my opinion supports that fact and goes on to discuss underlying circumstance. The problem with the Bell Curve in "Popular" academic circles of thought (And I do not give a rats ass what popular circles think when they are guided by their golden rule of Political Correctness) Is quite simply that the book differentiates populations by differing levels of cognitive function. This is probably one of the most taboo ideas of this time. It is ok to say that different ethnic groups have different physical traits. For example group A of people as a general are better swimmers. Group B make better Sprinters. Then you consider endurance, strength the list goes on well that is fine. There are varying degrees of cognitive function just as there are varying degrees of physical function. Spatial perception for instance the ability I believe (it has been years since my interest in this area ie Bell Curve) to measure time and space or to remember ones since of direction. Can be totally different from abilities with Mathematics. Maybe two groups can have the same level of potential in the area of ingenuity the ability to take new ideas and invent. But one simply is driven more by curiosity and therefore exercises that inherent ability more than the other. To say that differing races can have differing physical traits but that all levels of thinking are identical amongst races is absurd. However very politically incorrect. Lets not let P.C. stand in the way of logic.
Do you really need to ask this question? You can come across with books and everything else in response to Africa. But the simple fact is Africa is about a worthless mud ball of a continent sure there are some resource from the Diamonds & Gem Stones. But no major oil reserves so most of the world can give a fuck economically. Also Africa as we know is Black, and since the Dutch started the slave trade we have raped Africa for all it's worth. From taking it's people strip mining it's Diamonds and so on. I mean why pay or negotiate with the people when you can simply take it since there so ass backwards they won't stop you. Africa and it's people are basically like the Indians that we robbed for North America. Will they ever come up in the world? I doubt it. Look at the key demographic of Africa. The blacks. Now as we know over a 100 years ago we shipped Africans to America. Now look at the Africans in America today. They socially have adapts to our way of life. They still have territory problems and find themselves wanting to form clans or groups in the form of gangs. Then fight over said territory that doesn't even belong to them. Yes they have came along way but they have a long way to go in forming the correct social skills to survive in a white world. Because lets look at Africa and some of the places we took slaves 100 years ago. They still live the same way they did then. They live in huts, still war with rival clans and what not. So when you have a majority of a country who is still stuck in the stone age, why bother digging them out when you can throw collars on them and make them work for nothing so Some bitch on a red carpet can have some big ass bling. So to sum it up. Africa has nothing of major world importance for the world to give a shit. Now if they found a huge oil deposit it would change much like the middle east did in the early 1900's. But short of that happening. Africa will always be 3rd world.
Somehow I figured you would have something to say on this Grim. Well anyways I honestly think all people were created equal it is just all about adaptation to the current environment. Example: a person from Finland would perceivably not bode well in Africa as well 500 years ago swimming and surviving cold may not be an asset. Being able to sprint would. One physical characteristic counters the other. Science has not and refuses to consider logical differences in cognitive function but given the correct environment I could perceive the possibility that Africans could excel above others. ...... We live in a white man dominated world setup to our likening. That is changing though. Look at population statistics especially throughout Western Europe.
Yes they do. But as a whole Africa doesn't have much to offer. The land isn't good for growing much of anything. You would have to spend millions just to get the right equipment in there to grow anything. Sure the labor would cheap as hell but looking at Africa from profit/cost margin it's just not worth fucking with yet. As far as social skills go. Yes the whites have it in spades over the blacks. Also yes it's just like training a monkey Sign Language if you spend enough time with them you can teach them anything. But you can't take away the basic instincts they have. Blacks have a very bad pack mentality much like Gorillas this is why I have always thought along the lines they are a few 100 years or thousand years off the evolutionary chain compared to some. I'm not being raciest in the matter in the least. I mean you have to admit they have diseases that are solely linked to them that whites can't get. Such as Sickle Cell. I'm not saying we both didn't come from Monkey's I just think they came from a less advanced species of primate and developed later then we did. It's not a wild a theory then some may think. I could see them developing from Gorillas as they have more Gorilla like features. I would say whites may have been the Chimps who are known to be smarter. It could have been this way. But like I said it's my own personal theory on the matter of why we could be so different. Then the other races are the mixing of the 2 races over the years. I mean look at a mixed child he shares many features with Mexicans as well as Middle Eastern people. As far as the Asians I believe they probably developed from yet another race of ape. I mean really White,Black & Yellow are our basic and original races then everything else is a mixing of the 3. But Africa will remain the way it is at least for the rest of my lifetime. Til we need it for whatever reason. Right now the land is useless to anyone so the people don't matter.
That is grim bullshit. We left the gorillas ca 6.1 mill years ago and the chimps some 4 mill years ago. Nobody even thinks about getting out of Afrika yet. The rest of it is bullshit as well but who cares. Wallow in it
nigeria, sudan, somalia, yemen, angola... all have oil or gas, and all have gone through civil strife... strangely enough.. with various parties on various sides backed by outside influences
You know this is weird Grim while I appreciate your view and understand the root of it. I still stick to my reasoning and I have to say that ...... Pimp is right. :-[ They actually do have a lot of recourses I think there are a lot of resources just not a good track record though it seems a rather high risk venture to try to capitalize on it. For instance take South Africa for instance if you are successful it is likely that outside forces will take advantage of political options and class warfare to yank it right out from under you. Also in other regions a military coup can take over what previously was a cooperative government after having invested huge amounts of capital run you out and seize control of all hard earned assets before any profit is even realized. Look at the U.N. and K.Annon I would even suspect that it could be arranged to happen at just the right strategic point in time. The current technique in North Africa / Middle East is for legitimate governments to use the advantage of terrorist tactics by way of proxy groups "unofficially" supported by the governments. So there is that angle then last of all consider history Rhodesia (I do not think it is even spelled correctly) was once hugely successful and wealthy and now its the center of some of the worst chaos. Now a shell of its former glory and hell to live in was once a hustling bustling center of commerce and trade where Native Africans went to find a haven of modern convenience amongst the jungle