What happened here?

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by smurfslappa, Feb 15, 2006.

  1. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Mars... what have they done to you?

    The Valles Marineris stretches 4,000 km across the face of Mars, a massive gouge that could swallow a thousand Grand Canyons. Water erosion and normal geological processes are not adequate to have produced a mark of this nature or magnitude. A massive electrical discharge is. Our research indicates that planetary bodies have significant charge, and when they travel sufficiently close to each other for their plasma sheaths to interact, electrical discharges are exchanged.

    The event blasted an estimated 2 million cubic kilometers of rock and soil into space, some of which falls to Earth even today.

    The mythical stories of ancient cultures recount a great warrior whose face or body displayed a massive scar. (See the North American Scarface, Aztec Tlaloc, Norse Thor, Greek Theseus, Hindu Indra.) In several accounts, the agent of this scarring is a stupendous lightning bolt. Comparative study will identify this imposing "scarred" figure with the planet Mars.

    Baby goat? Or something like it...

    A better face than that wussy one NASA's cronies keep trying to disprove.

    Some sort of African queen-looking person

    A swimmin' Flipper

    Look at this dolphin, it's even playing with a damn ball. Maybe it's swimming towards a planet though, I dunno.

    These guys sure loved their dolphins

    Awesome complex, you kinda have to squint, but the arrows point to the good parts. You can see an entrance into a building.

    A good view of the entire area the face was found at. I can hear the drum beats and all that good worshippping shit jsut looking at that picture.

    Moose, or something like it


    Sea horse

    Glass tube network. Maybe this shit happened when the plasma discharges were erupting violently from the planet? Must have been horrible if that's what happened. Maybe they were made?

    The T and !

    With it's present atmosphere and violent dust storms, this shit should have been blown away by the massive dust storms long, long ago, if it's been like it is for as long as the scientists tell us it has. This shit can only be tens of thousands of years old, if even that. Why do all these ancient legends from just about every culture depict Mars as a Great Warrior that defeated a giant dragon? Would a twisting arc of plasma look like a dragon to them?

    Venus, in its aspect as the Morning Star, was known to the early Romans as iubar; not until much later did Lucifer, “the bringer of light,” replace iubar as the designation of the planet Venus in its morning aspect.1 Latin writers derived iubar from the word iuba, meaning “hair.” Varro wrote: eadem Stella vocatur iubar quod iubata “this star is called iubar bacause it is hairy.”2 Varro and Festus compared the Morning Star’s hair to a lion’s mane.3 The image would appear to be that of light scattered in all directions: only some poetic hyperbole could see in today’s bright morning star a hairy apparition resembling a lion’s mane.

    Interestingly, ancient names of Venus include the Long Haired Star and Bearded Star. Symbols and glyphs that carried the meaning "planet Venus" also carried the meaning "comet."

    So the way things are now is not how it used to be...
  2. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    A good rover image.

  3. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Bu-bu-bu-bump. What do you think of that scar on Mars, diogenes?
  4. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    I don't.
  5. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Surely you must have an opinion.
  6. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    I don't really feel like doing the research to develope an opinion. On this I will remain blissfully ignorant.
  7. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    The official story is that it was a crack that started developing in the planet as it cooled millions of years ago. There, just did your research for you. OR, it can be the plasma discharge from the planet-sized comet that flew in, whiping out everything on the planet, creating those glass tubes you see there because of the immense eletrical currents, and hurled all that mars debri into space, some of which we still get to this day.
  8. Totalrecall1982

    Totalrecall1982 New Member

    Kuato told me that the aliens built it.

    Free mars!
  9. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    About a lot of the surface rocks found on Mars: "The scattered rocks are not likely to be volcanic. Many will have suffered plasma heating and shock effects from a cosmic electric discharge. The holes in some of the rock surfaces may be plasma arc craters or they may be due to trapped gases being explosively released by hot plasma"
  10. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

  11. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    That a subconscious expression of thought might be a superconscious galactic expression. Much science lately, is homocentric and subjective.
    I such a case we/G-d/word is one. Alternatively you have the more mechanical/newtonian theory of the starseed and their roaming planet
    ( Or mothership with destroyed drive )

    But there is much in the eye of the beholder: An ancient myth tells of how the advent of iron spelled the end of the power of the elfs. Another about how christianity banished the elder ones. Pan became entangled with the greek word for :idea: and together they were temptation/science/evil.

    Anunaki/Nephilim-The flood and Utnapishtim-Abrams flight-Illuminati-Rosswell and the list goes on. In these parts of the world a famed phantom is the chupacabra and I will not laugh at the beliefe of others.

    I believe in your pictures Slapper, but its impóssible to tell the science from the art.
    When I was twelve years and had just read my first black book, I found a gnarled and burned root, half floating, and half lying. Beneath the rootsystem of a big fir. It was the skull of a troll and undoubtedly ( for me, a relative of the shadows created by long northern night and hulking firs, and nightmares ? )
    That one was with me for 15 years, but that is a subjective measure. A measurement more objective; ( Still a judgement of eye though ),
    is the pictures created by microphotography of crystals. Beliefe abunds allso here.
    Like I said earlier I am quite sure the bildenbergers believe in magic, but if it is for the sake of illusion or illumination. That is where the discussion becomes hot.
  12. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Well now I don't really know what to believe about these guys of the past, but I can imagine how technology could have been used to give the perception of Godliness, to tribes-people who didn't know any better. But I also see the pyramids and the great lengths these people went with their geometry, and I can also see how there is something more awesome at work. Our brains and bodies are awesome machines, so I'm sure there actually is such a thing as godliness. It just wasn't enough to stop a super-charged planet from flying past Mars and zapping the shit out of it.
  13. smiles

    smiles New Member

    i can't believe you people think this man is being serious whn he says all this...... every third word is "awesome" for fucks sake
  14. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    What about the mystical phallic symbol found by sexually frustrated astronauts?
  15. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Biiiitch, I used awesome in two sentences that happened to be together. Besides, who gives a fuck if you take me seriously? there's a lot of scientists who believe Mars was taken out by an awesome plasma discharge.

    And what do you fucking know, that would match what all our ancient fucking ancestors were talking about. So fucking fuck smiles, shut your mother fucking bitch ass mouth.


    Dude had a whole fucking assload of information on why it happened, and he used lots of big words and I don't think he used the word awesome. So shut the hell up you dumb ass piece of shit.

    And Reizvolles, what phallic symbol? I would think they'd be looking for some kind of skanky clam, I know we can probably see smiles' mom's from space. Her loose pussy is still a tight fit for me.
  16. smiles

    smiles New Member


    wow you;re almost as good as whipone..... i give you mad credit....... but i refuse to believe that anyone tryign to take themselvs seriously, even a crazy person would use AWESOME in the same post more than once, and i could quote you from at least a dozen other posts where this was the case..... also phrases like "super old" or "super smart scientists" are dead giveaways..... step your game up smurflett you're not convinving anyone
  17. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Git soum gloudes aon Laydeh, ann leev thiz toa tha menfoulk
    Women are from Venus, not from mars,as Da Slapper so eloquently put it.
    But yes its a subjective story. Maybe there is more to subjectivity then :) Its like a happy camper once tried to explain to me. That when he tried to make a model of the univers on his computer he allways had to readjust when he changed the angle of the picture. It just did not work in 3d. Like reality and peace on earth and mars and venus. The y-cromozome rightfully fears the whole of uncorrupted X. Y has after all lost the major part of its DNA since the sexsplit, some 250mill years ago :p
  18. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    the sex split, hahaha what a bunch of bullshit. I dont know what would cause such a drastic change, our DNA prevents the minor ones as is.
  19. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    And how am I supposed to sound? I'm just a lazy half-mexican who stumbled upon the end of the world. Unlike most, however, I didn't dust myself off and keep walking.
  20. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member


    I like how whenever NASA and these old guys are talking about Cydonia they always pull the worst photo out of their ass:


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