what do you think of this counter idea?

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Fried Lice, Jan 8, 2001.

  1. Fried Lice

    Fried Lice New Member

    see this counter on my posts? just wondering what you guys think of it.. i thought it was a neat idea.. and i am glad to be an original thinker.. also.. what do you think of the word in my signature? be nice.. cuz i am seriouse. thank you guys/girls!!

    <a href="http://member.linkexchange.com/cgi-bin/fc/fastcounter-login?2294772"

    i contain lycanthropy
  2. Fried Lice

    Fried Lice New Member

    shit!! i fucked it up.. lets try again...

    <a href="http://member.bcentral.com/cgi-bin/fc/fastcounter-login?2294772" target="_top">

    i contain lycanthropy

    I HATE NAGGERS New Member

    yo is a seriouse moron
  4. Fried Lice

    Fried Lice New Member

    thanks for the seriousness IHN.. i really appreciate it.. now.. for anyone else that doesn't only have put downs about me.. but info about the other stuff?


    <a href="http://member.bcentral.com/cgi-bin/fc/fastcounter-login?2294772" target="_top">

    i contain lycanthropy
  5. 404

    404 New Member

    whats the point of a counter anyway, and btw it look spretty gay when you fuck it up so that could be a reason to stop posting it you may fuck it up again
  6. Fried Lice

    Fried Lice New Member

    well i got it fixed now.. and does it really look gay? i thought it would be different.. and "why do i have it?" well, because for one.. i just wanted to see how fast it would climb here on fugly.. i'm not getting anything for it.. and i thought it was pretty cool.. at least its not some huge gay ass counter with "big elite fire graphix.. oohh" i made it small, and simple. oh.. and when i said to see how fast it climbs.. i just started it yesterday.. and there is about 225 OR SO hits on it already.. i'm just a curiouse idividual.. that.. and i wanna see if i can max it out. =)
    does anyone have ANYTHING nice to say about it? i'm sure this place can't be filled with everyone hating it.. someone has to agree.. right?
    and to tell you the truth.. i actually wonder what IMC thinks about it.
    i'm being seriouse. thanks.
    and no saracasm -> thanks for the reply 404.. you were at least seriouse unlike IHN.. we all know i'm a moron.. i mean geez.. i'm useing a fucking counter on a damn posting site.. just to see what it does!!! we all know i'm dumb..

    i contain lycanthropy
  7. Fried Lice

    Fried Lice New Member

    also.. don't forget the other point i made about this topic.. what do you think about the word in my signature?

    i contain lycanthropy
  8. Anti-Thesis

    Anti-Thesis New Member

    Well, I like the counter.... It actually works.....

    Remember... I contain fuck
  9. Psycho Bob

    Psycho Bob New Member

    i supose bordom could be classed as a virtue if you try real hard

    Live Fast Die Young Leave a Good lookin' Corpse
  10. Fried Lice

    Fried Lice New Member

    yes PD.. it did.. and i'm looking into a word of the day or something..
    i think that would be neat...
    : onders::
    i will be back.
    also.. why does it get at least to hits?
    cuz it's there twice? your right i think.. but oh well.. it climbs faster that way..?? i guess.. anyway

    <a href="http://member.bcentral.com/cgi-bin/fc/fastcounter-login?2294772" target="_top">
  11. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    you are really trying to pump those posts numbers up arn't you?
  12. Fecal Leaker

    Fecal Leaker New Member

    I passed a FRIED LICE just after eating a bowl of raisin bran this morning. Add that to your fucking counter.

    Word of the day: FUCKCOUNTERS

    Eat shit and live.....1000 flies can't be wrong
  13. Fried Lice

    Fried Lice New Member

    well fecal.. i take it you don't like it.
    and imc.. i'm not sure if i get exactly what you mean? are you talking about the "average slob" post number? or something else.. sorry if i sound dumb.. i've had a long day.. and while i was at work today.. we got robbed. how often does shit like that happen? i'm fucking pissed!

    <a href="http://member.bcentral.com/cgi-bin/fc/fastcounter-login?2294772" target="_top">

    i contain lycanthropy
    Anti-Thesis contains fuck
  14. Icare

    Icare New Member

    I DISAGREE...i like fried lices counter,and never fail to give it a little click each time i log on.i can't resist!What an unusual little idea!how about you e-mail me and i'll send you my program(i wrote myself)which logs time and date of every time that you click a link in the forum!!!we could be onto a winner if we could combine the two!i'm getting excited thinking of the possibilities here-you up for it???

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