What a fuckin' relief...

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by FredVegas, Mar 2, 2002.

  1. FredVegas

    FredVegas New Member

    ...check this paranoid fuckin' shit out. Okay, so the other night while I'm online at Fugly, my roommate starts IMin' me from his brothers' house. He's like "Bobby (my name)" I return w/ "What?". Apparently my responses were comin' up behind his window, so he didn't see any of them. He's like "Bobby...Bobby...Bobby...etc.,etc." The whole time I keep answering "What...What...What the fuck do you want, and who the fuck is this?" After IMin' me my name about...oh...150 FUCKIN' TIMES, I begin to think that someone at Fugly is fuckin' w/ me. Paranoia sets in. My roommate starts askin' "Do you know who this is?". At this point I've already convinced myself that it's someone at Fugly. I answer, jokingly,"Fugly rawks!". I guess that's when he finally figured out why my responses weren't poppin' up on his screen. He's like "Sorry man you're responses weren't comin' up, this is your roommate." I didn't believe him, but decided to play along. "Yeah, wassup?" He starts askin' me all sorts of stuff about bills gettin' paid and such, all stuff I figured Fugly could find out through Net Detective. Finally, I say "Hey, I'm gettin offline, call me in TWO minutes.", thinking that if he calls then it really is him, but if he doesn't then it's someone one at Fugly. Well...HE NEVER FUCKIN' CALLS ME BACK!!!(turns out his brother doesn't have a long-distance phone plan, and he didn't know what was goin' through my head). After waitin' for him to call for about 20 minutes, I decide to check Fugly. When I get back online at the forum, I see a new topic entitled "Open Letter to Fred West". I assumed that IMC meant me. He's sayin' stuff about virii code and writing and subseven and shit, and I'm thinking that he somehow gave me subseven. It turns out that Fred West is someone else entirely...
    ...anyway,my whole point is this...I really need to stop doin' coke.
  2. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Naaaaah... just don't snort and surf...
  3. FredVegas

    FredVegas New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The Reverend Honkey Kong:
    Naaaaah... just don't snort and surf...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    ...Amen, Rev., A-fuckin'-men...

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