Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by sparky69, Oct 7, 2001.

  1. sparky69

    sparky69 New Member

    sorry this is another bin laden post but i thought it was very dumb to announce to the world that we bombed them. what are the chances that we can hit him. there is no way that we can. tomorrow we will hear on the news "washington dc was just abliterated by bin laden all because we did not kill him." i just thought i would share how dumb this country really is.
  2. Topper

    Topper New Member

    Like trying to kill a nest of wasps with a hammer.
  3. Emetic

    Emetic New Member

    More like shooting at flies with a .44

    Anyway, at this point such is just a figurative 'warning shot across their bow' for the Taliban's benefit, to let 'em know (just in case they have any doubt) that the shitstorm is indeed beginning.

    I'm curious to know what you Brits here think about Tony Blair's recent public reaction following the U.S.' presentation of evidence gathered to date regarding OBL's suspecthood.
  4. Emetic

    Emetic New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote
    Spank, without disputing your prerogative to share your opinions - no matter how inane or simple-minded they are on this matter - I'm gonna do you a favor by suggesting that, at least on this subject, you consider keeping them to yourself.

    On the other hand, if you're deviously much more clever and informed than you're letting on, and you're posting stuff like the above only in pursuit of providing ironic entertainment at your expense, then by all means keep it up.
  5. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    you already know what i think of all this...

    ask yourself this.. why has this so called evidence, that mr blair has allegedly seen, and sees fit to call for the strikes on the strength of.... why has this evidence not been shown to us, the people...
  6. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Emetic:
    Anyway, at this point such is just a figurative 'warning shot across their bow.'<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    and there was me thinking it was one of those figurative '£10 million dollar missiles being shot into $10 tents and hitting a camel up the ass' thingies...

    so they bomb kabul.. what is their aim?.. to make those derelict bombed out buildings into piles of smaller rubble...
  7. Emetic

    Emetic New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ~OliverStone-fucha-Tookee:
    you already know what i think of all this... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
    Erm, yes, I do. Let's agree to stay on point I await other UK responses.
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote
    The obvious and non-conspiratorial possibility occurs: immediately divulging any or all of it would tactically or strategically compromise the military effort. I remain expectant that it will come out when that's no longer the case. And hopefully, it will be more forthcoming than the Warren Commission results were
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote
    A little high and to the right.
  8. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    i fail to see how evidence that proves beyond doubt that uncle osama was behind the US attacks can compromise retaliatory action...

    what evidence can they have?? how can it compromise their position??

    sorry.. but it sounds to me like smoke and mirrors, and the military compromise crap is just to keep the hungry hordes happy...

    and that's not me talking from my conspiracy theory there... just being cynical...
  9. Emetic

    Emetic New Member

    Come on, Pimp - whoever the sources of that information might be, as well as the methods/medium used to obtain it, are quite likely the very same mechanisms which are and will be used to continue intel gathering on OBL & friends' activity during mil. action. That value won't last forever, and probably not even very long as events unfold, but certainly longer than the 2-3 days since the U.S. revealed it to Blair.

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote
    I'm every bit as cynical as the next misanthrope, but sounds like you're expecting the impossible: film footage of OBL issuing verbal orders or his fingerprints on the document laying out the complete plan, etc. The best we're going to get is compelling if not overwhelming evidence that would be called "circumstantial" in a conventional criminal court. If you're adamant that that's not enough, fine - our courts have proven that it's enough to convict and execute conventional murderers. Not perfect or flawless, but the best we have until & unless someone succeeds in inventing Omniscience Spectacles.
  10. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Emetic:
    film footage of OBL issuing verbal orders or his fingerprints on the document laying out the complete plan, etc.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    that's asking a bit much isn't it?? ...

    just a signed "good luck on your mission lads, allah be with you" letter will convince me... signed uncle osama...
  11. PinkorBrown69

    PinkorBrown69 New Member

    They're not intending to take out Bin Laden himself with these strikes (Chances are he's not even in Afghanistan anymore!). But more to disable/knock out any key instalations (Air fields, ground - air batteries ect). Before the carpet bombing begins. Which I think it will, as ludicrous as it may seem to blast shit out of a load of mountains, I pretty much think they will be using more or less the same tactics employed by the coalition in Balkan war (just keep bombing the bastards untill they've had enough!).
    I should think only a few missiles actualy landed in Kabul, and they were probably only to let any rag-head 'holy men' foolish enough to believe that Alah will protect them, Know that He won't!

    As for proof. What more proof do you need than Bin Laden and his fellow cronies very own admission to atrocities in the west? I know he hasn't admited to this one, but even to poorley informed people like myself, it seems like he/they should be amongst the first to be ostracised(if not destroyed) if there is to be a war on terrorists.
    And some how I don't think this is the only country this will happen to. I think a few others will be facing a few ultimatums before long...

    But then that's only what I think with this narrow mind of mine.

    One thing that did strike me as a bit funny was, after watching Bin ladens timely speech (about Alah ect) released today was, how much seeing him crouched in the dirt on a mountain somewhere, reminded me of childhood stories of Moses and the like... Very strange... (I think I'm gonna have some odd dreams tonight and I bet Moses will turn up some where weilding an AK47! Who knows even J.C himself may show with an H&K-MP5

    I'll just finnish this mature cheese sandwich then of to bed. Night all!
  12. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg Guest

    I fucking hate you, Spanky. You call this country dumb. Would it be better if we just gave Bin Laden a big hug and say "We know you didn't do it on purpose. You're just misunderstood." And then have him bomb us again because he knows we won't do a damn thing? This country isn't stupid. You are.
  13. Emetic

    Emetic New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PinkorBrown69:
    Chances are he's not even in Afghanistan anymore<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
    A possibility, and an intriguing one in its ramifications.

    But more to disable/knock out any key instalations (Air fields...
    What air fields? The ones for the Afghan Air Force?!? LOL
    ...ground - air batteries
    Yeah, both of 'em {snicker}. I'm sure the bulk of their SAM arsenal consists of mobiles (light truck-mounted) & portables (shoulder-mounted)

    Before the carpet bombing begins.
    I don't think bombing will play any extended or major part in the long-term strategy other than -beyond a message to the Taliban - as a broad sweep before the ground forces fully move in for the main & figurative door-to-door.

    I'm slightly exasperated - okay, more than slightly - at those (and I'm not pointing a finger at you, Pink) who expect (hope for?) the U.S. to repeat illustrious military blunders from our own past (Vietnam) or others (the Soviets there over a decade ago). If anyone truly believes the U.S. command is that stupid, then I can only conclude that those people have a personal bug up their ass about Americans in general & would take perverse satisfaction in seeing just such happen. And I hope I find the discipline to forego seriously engaging such cretins if/when they surface because, however tempting, that would be an utter waste of my time.

    Dammit...meant to segue into a link here to a most excellently informed and perceptive piece written by Richard Kidd discussing the matter of Afghan history & best strategy. Kidd's a former Army man who most recently had spent a number of years in Afghanistan leading up the team working to locate & dispose of all the mines left behind by the Soviet-era conflict.... unfortunately, I find my lame fucking free host choking on my login attempts & I can't remember the filename.

    Well, I'll post the link if/when I can - but I'm sure others saw the same piece circulating in email not long ago & know the one I mean, and if they can beat me to it...
  14. Emetic

    Emetic New Member

  15. sparky69

    sparky69 New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Cheezedawg:
    I fucking hate you, Spanky. You call this country dumb. Would it be better if we just gave Bin Laden a big hug and say "We know you didn't do it on purpose. You're just misunderstood." And then have him bomb us again because he knows we won't do a damn thing? This country isn't stupid. You are.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    hey cheese, do youthink i give a shit. well if you do you can suck my oversized cock. yeah i do think that this country is stupid there is no way that we can ever hit him so lets just hit his bases and camps.
    later DAWG
  16. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    ok, OBL, some points to be raised and/or recapped..

    1. he may be somewhere else
    2. hey may/may not have been responsible for 9-11
    3. the americans are large and efficient and i assume we ( ie the allies (god its starting to sound like the cold war)) are going to win with/without civilian/military casualties anyway.
    4. people that have no choice in the matter shouldn't really be getting stroppy over 'the amount of information/tactics/officers personal contact numbers' that are being released from the media or 'how we are all scared about being bombed/bombing and being bombed for bombing' of course we are scared, most people would be, but if they retaliate with the 'big one' then we have little option but to stand and get fried. of course this is insane as i'm sure the entire afgahn military force consists of

    8 personal SAM launchers, with only 5 people that know how point them in the right direction.

    10 panzer tanks, probably sold off by the flailing russian "empire" snicker..

    1000 units of cannon fodder they forced to 'volunteer', with/without weaponry

    some generals, who know how to draw straight lines, and can count to 20 without using their hands and feet.

    so what are we to do? enjoy our lives, thats a good a plan as any.. while the chiefs of staff, the infantry and the hundreds of tons of armoured units and unique devastating technology helps us to perform a little cleanup of that area...
  17. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    I want to hear more of what Spanky has to say on this topic.
  18. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Disorder:
    ok, OBIE-1-KINOBE, some points to be raised and/or recapped..

    1. he may be somewhere else (CORRECT)
    2. he may/may not have been responsible for 9-11 (CORRECT)
    3. the americans are (OBESELY)large and efficient as locusts go and i assume we ( ie the allies (cor blimey-it's starting to sound like the 2nd world war and we're the good guys and dirty johnny-foreigner is in the wrong again ) are going to win with/without civilian/military casualties anyway.(MAYBE/MAYBE NOT)
    4. people that have no choice in the matter shouldn't really be getting stroppy over 'the amount of information/tactics/officers personal contact numbers' that are being released from the media (NO CHOICE IN THE MATTER=SHUT THE FUUUUUUUUUCK UP,AND STOP ASKING QUESTIONS)or 'how we are all scared about being bombed/bombing and being bombed for bombing' (THOUGH BOMBING THE BOMBED IS ANOTHER MATTER ALTOGETHER) of course we are scared, most people would be, but if they retaliate with the 'big filthy,arab-hung-like-a-donkey scum-fucker one' then we have little option but to stand and get squirtied. of course this is insane as i'm sure the entire afgahn military force consists of

    8 personal SAM FOX launchers, with only 5 people that know how point them in the right direction.(when they're not shouting "hoowahh-chhhh-eeeee-iiiiii-jibba-jabba-wachajjy-nooky-na-na" to each other and tripping up over their dresses

    10 panzer tanks, probably sold off by the flailing russian "empire" snicker..(we got 'em good an proppah )

    1000 units of cannon fodder they forced to 'volunteer', with/without weaponry,with/without sandals too...but the opposite of both of these could just as easily be true )

    some generals, who know how to draw straight lines,which could easily represent the twin towers, and can count to 20 without using their hands and feet,doing a silly sand nigger dance at the same time and running backwards shouting "hoo-wachnee-noo-nee-arachnocky"-this explains the hijackings...

    so what are we to do? enjoy our lives,put our heads in the sand, thats a good a plan as any.. while the chiefs of staff(KUDOS TO YOU GUY'S,KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK), the infantry(GO OUR LADS-PLENTY OF HOT BABES FOR YOU WHEN YA GET BACK ) and the hundreds of tons of armoured units and unique devastating technology (UGHHH UGHHH UGHHH-OOPS-ANYONE GOT A PAPER TOWEL?)helps us to perform a little cleanup of that area...((BLOWS THE BARREL OF THE STILL SMOKING GUN AND TWIRLS ON FINGER BEFORE PLACING BACK IN HOLSTER,JUMPS ON TRUSTY STEED AND GALLOPS OFF INTO THE DISTANCE)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
  19. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pimp~fucha-Tookee:
  20. Emetic

    Emetic New Member

    How about the wet, pulpy crunch of your cranium impacting concrete from a respectable height?

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