You know I thought we where out there. But after spending the last couple of days on the movies boards and checking out some of the xbox360 boards. I must say we are normal rather smart people here and we need not go any where else. Someone actally asked how they turned off there xbox360 in a thread. Another person wanted to know what stars offered voice overs on the movies sites. Cause he wrote one of his parts for Tom Cruise and he would be damned if anyone else was going to voice it. I thought it was a joke at first myself but he was dead serious which made me shutter.
another thing that happened on The Movie boards, Some dip shit HR guy was asking Lionhead if he could use there program to make safty videos with the game to train little Barbie Sue not to staple her ass to the desk. Everyone was talking about it telling him they did not know you know how people come into post and post if they have an idea or not. No one pointed out it was a bad idea. I told him it was a stupid Idea to use a game for work and for something as serious as that as no one would take it serious. After he said everyone laughed at the videos. So he asked me what I did and I told him, He did not belive me for whatever odd reason. Like someone would lie about directing horse racing but anyway. So I threw some pics up and shut him down for a time. Well some little ass wipe kid comes in there and starts in on me. Well I go look at his profile and it says he is a writer. he is like 20 or some shit like he has anything to write about. I nailed him so good he did not even come back in the thread. I said so I guess "writer" is the new term people used for "unemployed" living with the old parents getting 20 bucks from dear old Mom on the weekend so you can take little miss Polly finger bang to the movies. geez people can't just take being called fucking stupid.
Yeah cos smart people spell 'their' as 'there' all the time. You're not intelligent, you're merely a cancerous pollop on the anus of humanity.
And anal people look for anything to bash someone. So go fuck yourself in the ass and shut the fuck up
I just don't get what 'normal people' and 'xbox 360' have to do with each other, but that's just me.. I'm just glad neither of my kids want one! my son does want 'trucks' for his skateboard, and my daughter wants an ipod, and then they both want clothes..gotta love it when kids want clothes for christmas..
Look for anything? Every one of your fucking posts i came across yesterday was bollocks! Maybe i am anal, and at least i am well hung enough to fuck myself in the ass. Don't go getting envious now.
Ahem. Back to the Topic. People here on this forum are NORMAL? NO WAY. If "Normal" means "statistically average" then the regulars here are way off from the norm. What do I mean? Normal IQ = 100 Probable average IQ of regulars = 115+ based on the skills required to fill various job duties, composition skills, and general observation. Normal Alcohol Consumption per week in the US is about 5 drinks per person which is less than one per day. I would say that the "regulars" miss this mark too. Maybe they are just trying to damage their brains back to the "normal" range? Normal (statistically) people do not use illegal drugs of any kind. Fuglies? Normal (statistically) people watch TV in the evenings. Normal (statistically) people do not give a flip about politics. Heck, only about of third of the registered voters even bother to vote. You get the idea. Barry
I'm sort of a regular. I have an IQ of 129. I don't drink. I don't do drugs. I watch House MD on Tuesdays. I care about politics, but it's not my position to convert, persuade or discourage people from their own choices. And I vote. By your definition i'm "normal". Statistically average. I think that's funny.
How many people just scrolled to the bottom of this cuz everyone types to much? Like we have that kind of patience.
OK I'll play this game too. My IQ is 152 I binge drink on the weekends. I don't do drugs. I watch evening TV for News and Current Affairs I couldn't give two fucks about politics, but voting is compulsory in this country: to not vote is illegal. Fairly well-rounded and average I'd say, for a young adult.
Grey Goose? Nice choice...I'm drinking a Smith and Wesson right now and do believe it won't be my last. Reiz, honey you're full of kaka when you say you're IQ is 152.
That's your IQ. And what would you know what mine is? Just because I don't post anything intellectual on here?