.... and tell me what you think. Do you believe it? It's supposed to be a legit taping but other then watch it all i've heard was internet buzz over it nothing remotely concrete. I'd like everyones input for shits and giggles.... *shits* looks arround * giggles* mms://wm-ondemand.abacast.com/prophet_yahweh/ABCnews1.wmv
You listen to Coast to Coast, don't you... Personally, I think he's full of shit. You can't view footage on his website without joining and paying for it.
i dont listen to the radio..... they say teh guy said that between june 1st and july 15th he'll bring down a UFO close enuff for all of Las Vegas to see
ye man those are some big promisses.... thats teh part i find interesting... if he were a conman he's a terrible one to put himself in such a comprimising situation... not that i believe in it just find it interesting....
He's offered to refund the $7.95 to all the paying members of his website since he is under attack and there are people trying to kill him. Also claims an "organization" is giving him $750,000 to build the first UFO summoning site... Did you know he has a book coming out after July 15th - the last day of his supposed summoning? Should be a shit read.
You think...just a ...tad? Delusional or not, he certainly has gotten what he's wanted....everyone click clicking away!
I've seen this before..I think the world is coming to an end, and he will end up being one of the two prophets testifying after the rapture in front of Jerusulam..after having been transported from the US to Israel via the alien spacecraft..just remember that Elijah was taken up by a 'chariot of fire'...oooooooh. :roll: 8)