wait for it...

Discussion in 'Jokes, Funny Stories and other Text.' started by Cough Syrup, Mar 5, 2003.

  1. Cough Syrup

    Cough Syrup New Member

    Three men enter heaven at the same time and St. Peter tells them to sit down and tell how they died.

    First guys says, "Well, I wasn't feeling good so I came home from work early. My wife and me had been fighting a lot, so when I opened the door of our high rise apartment and found her naked, I became enraged. I just knew she was messing around on me, so I start tearing through the apartment. Under the bed, in the closets, I looked everywhere!
    So, I go out onto our balacany to have a smoke and calm down. And that's when I see these two hands hanging off balcany. I got so pissed I just started smashing them until he let go. But the bastard landed in some bushes and broke his fall.
    Furious, I ran into the house, yanked the refrigerator from the wall, and threw it off the balcany onto him.
    Only the cord caught my collar and pulled me over with it. And that's how I died.

    "Wow," Peter says, and points to the second guy. "How about you?"

    And the second guy says, "Well, I was just home one day, drinking brandy and having some fun. I went outside on my balcany to look at the sky, started leaning over the rail, lost my balance and fell over!
    "Well, lucky son of a bitch that I am, I managed to grab hold of a rails a few apartments down. So, I'm sitting there, catching my breath when some maniac starts bounding on my fingers until I let go!
    "Lucky son of a bitch that I am, I landed in some bushes. But that maniac, he comes out with a refrigerator and throws it on top of me.
    "And that's how I died."

    "Wow," St. Peter says and looks at the third guy. "What's your story?"

    And the third guy says, "Picture this; there I am, naked in a refrigerator. . . "

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