Discussion in 'Jokes, Funny Stories and other Text.' started by Lord Toodle of Pip, Jul 6, 2004.

  1. Lord Toodle of Pip

    Lord Toodle of Pip New Member

    Bit of a long one but I laughed!

    There was this businessman who was getting ready to go on a long business trip. He knew his wife was a flirtatious sort, so he thought he'd try to get her something to keep her occupied while he was gone, because he didn't much like the idea of her screwing someone else. So he went to a store that sold sex toys and started looking around. He thought about a life-sized sex doll, but that was too close to another man for him.
    He was browsing through the dildos, looking for something special to please his wife, and started talking to the old man behind the counter. He explained his situation. The old man said, "Well, I don't really know of anything that will do the trick. We have vibrating dildos, special attachments, and so on, but I don't know of anything that will keep her occupied for weeks, except -- " and he stopped. "Except what?" the man asked.
    "Nothing, nothing."
    "C'mon, tell me! I need something!"
    "Well, sir, I don't usually mention this, but there is the 'voodoo dick.'"
    "So what's up with this voodoo dick?" he asked.
    The old man reached under the counter, and pulled out an old wooden box, carved with strange symbols. He opened it, and there lay a very ordinary-looking dildo. The businessman laughed, and said "Big fucking deal. It looks like every other dildo in this shop!"
    The old man replied, "But you haven't seen what it'll do yet." He pointed to a door and said "Voodoo dick, the door." The voodoo dick rose out of its box, darted over to the door, and started screwing the keyhole. The whole door shook with the vibrations, and a crack developed down the middle. Before the door could split, the old man said "Voodoo dick, get back in your box!" The voodoo dick stopped, floated back to the box and lay there, quiescent once more.
    "I'll take it!" said the businessman.
    The old man resisted, saying it wasn't for sale, but he finally surrendered to £700 in cash. The guy took it home to his wife, told her it was a special dildo and that to use it, all she had to do was say "Voodoo dick, my pussy." He left for his trip satisfied that things would be fine while he was gone.
    After he'd been gone a few days, the wife was unbearably horny. She thought of several people who would willingly satisfy her, but then she remembered the voodoo dick. She got it out, and said "Voodoo dick, my pussy!" The voodoo dick shot to her crotch and started pumping. It was great, like nothing she'd ever experienced before. After three orgasms, she decided she'd had enough, and tried to pull it out, but it was stuck in her, still thrusting. She tried and tried to get it out, but nothing worked. Her husband had forgot to tell her how to shut it off. So she decided to go to the hospital to see if they could help. She put her clothes on, got in the car and started to drive to the hospital, quivering with every thrust of the dildo. On the way, another orgasm nearly made her swerve off the road, and she was pulled over by a policeman. He asked for her license, and then asked how much she'd had to drink.
    Gasping and twitching, she explained that she hadn't been drinking, but that a voodoo dick was stuck in her pussy, and wouldn't stop screwing. The officer looked at her for a second, and then said "Yea, right. Voodoo dick, my ass!" :D
  2. Dubya 2.0

    Dubya 2.0 New Member

    Another rehashed nugget of banality by our resident fuckwit jester....
  3. KaptainSkitzo

    KaptainSkitzo New Member

    Fucker....ya beat me to it...
  4. Lord Toodle of Pip

    Lord Toodle of Pip New Member

    oops i must be careful not to trip on all the original witty puns that are lying around here dropped carelessly by haud it and daud it ! 8)
  5. Deebo57

    Deebo57 New Member

    ....yet ANOTHER rehashed nugget of banality by our resident fuckwit jester....
  6. Dubya 2.0

    Dubya 2.0 New Member

    Permission granted. Carry on.

    Calls of plagarism police
  7. Lord Toodle of Pip

    Lord Toodle of Pip New Member

    fuck me, nearly pished maself!!! haud it and daud it have spawned a wean, with an even bigger jobbygub than the wankstains it evolved from ..... amazing!!!! :shock:
  8. stymie

    stymie New Member

    Just gonna run this through gobshite into English v1.01. May take a while.
  9. Dubya 2.0

    Dubya 2.0 New Member

    This is an english based discussion forum isn't it??

    *Stuffs Babelfish up arse*
  10. Lord Toodle of Pip

    Lord Toodle of Pip New Member

    nope its a jokes,jokes,jokes and jokes based discussion forum
  11. Lord Toodle of Pip

    Lord Toodle of Pip New Member

    did ya get that free* with the Sun?

    get free ; v. thieve,nick,rob,steal
  12. Deebo57

    Deebo57 New Member

    just ignore it and it'll go away like a retarded puppy
  13. Dubya 2.0

    Dubya 2.0 New Member

    Best post some jokes then instead of the rehashed nuggets of wank that you've been passing off here then, hadn't you?
  14. Lord Toodle of Pip

    Lord Toodle of Pip New Member

    im trying dub,very trying, think il just wait like the rest to shoot down the next poster of a joke,no wonder its so quiet on here, everyones all joked out and i thought it was down to the new decor, (easy to lurk in wait in the dark recesses now!) :shock:

    HOW come in the adverts, a McDonald's Big Mac looks as tall as one of the twin towers (when it was still standing, of course), yet when you get one they're as squashed as my gran's tits? :cry:
  15. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    it's been that long since i've eaten a big mac i've forgotten what they look like... please post a pic of your grans tits as a reminder
  16. Dubya 2.0

    Dubya 2.0 New Member

    Thank god for Burger King, I won't be able to order a Big Mac ever agrain without an image of shrivelled tits popping into my head...

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