OK, so I've got the broadband hooked up now, and the first thing I downloaded was a DVD rip of an actual DVD that I had purchased probably a year ago, but had been ripped off from me before I even had a chance to watch it. At any rate, the file is divided up into four ".VOB" files, and I need a reliable (and free) program or method to get it to a playable format that my DVD player understands. Suggestions?
I used to play around with ripping dvd movies to image files and such but I got tired of having to used a different method to hack around the various anti-piracy methods. It was different maybe when I worked at a veritable Pirates Den. DVD Decrypter, to create an image file and set the compression the way you like then whatever to burn, Clone DVD seemed the most reliable if not Nero. Screw downloading just pay the nominal fee for a netflix subscription. I knew this dude that was burning like three a day. Constantly had mail going back and forth. This was a few years ago when everyone was compressing them down to just fit on a cd 700mb and he was all proud of his collection which filled one of those plastic storage bins you get at Wallmart. LOL then the DVD's got cheaper and burners did to and even dual layer if you knew a seedy little wharehouse outfit in NY so he decides he has this plastic bin of low quality cd movies that look ok on a laptop but arn't all that fly on a hdtv. I think he was just one of those obsessive compulsive types. The dude rode the bus to work did not have a car even. Sad really.
Nero ultra suite, does it all, now .VOB files are the easiest, just burn them to disk. thats all. Did i kick you a demonoid invite?
Didn't get an invite... all you left me was Harlan's soiled shorts. Could use the Nero, too... All I've got on this box is "Nero Express"
You're A-OK in my book, Dwayne. I can't believe it took me this long to get broadband. Browsing on my mac, and downloading on the PC at 100k/s. I love this.