Video Game Rant

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Nauseous, Feb 20, 2002.

  1. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    So which one is your favorite?
  2. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The Reverend Gladamere Stroganoff:
    Another gripe I have with the 'Big N' is that they always use these fucking odd screws in their games, systems, and now even the fucking GameCube controllers... I like to take my shit apart and clean it (especially controllers) - and Nintendo wants to make that as difficult as they can so that most people take their shit to an 'authorized Nintendo repair center' - what a crock.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    where there's a will there's a way lomo... buy a set of security bits for your screwdriver.. (that is if you have a drill/driver, or a screwdriver with interchangable heads)
  3. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Yes, folks... It's true. Despite my love of all things video games, there's at least one thing about every company that pisses me off, and it's time to blow some steam. In no particular order:

    <UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI>Nintendo: I guess I never really forgave them for ruining what could have been the best version of Mortal Kombat by taking the blood out of it. Sure, they made up for it with part 2, and more recently, Conker's Bad Fur Day (BTW: Nauseous - how's that game? ...I think I recommended it to IMC a looooong time back, too... what'd you think of it, too?)... Another gripe I have with the 'Big N' is that they always use these fucking odd screws in their games, systems, and now even the fucking GameCube controllers... I like to take my shit apart and clean it (especially controllers) - and Nintendo wants to make that as difficult as they can so that most people take their shit to an 'authorized Nintendo repair center' - what a crock. Third, just get with the fucking program, Nintendo - I'm glad you got rid of the cartridges, but couldn't you have used a full-sized DVD instead of those dinky ones for the GC? I know piracy is the main issue, but get over it. It's going to happen no matter what media type you're going to use. I still have a bootlegged SNES game...

    <LI>Sega: Oh, where to begin... First and foremost, their less than honest ad campaign. I've got a flyer at home that they put out towards the end of the Genesis days that lists a few 'notable firsts' accomplished by Sega: First color portable game system (GameGear) - False The first one was the Atari Lynx, which came out the same time as the original GameBoy, Genesis, and Turbografx. The second one (and still one of the coolest), the TurboExpress, came out shortly afterwards, and then years later, the GameGear came out. Second claim was that they had the first 16-Bit game system out on the market... If I'm not mistaken, NEC's Turbografx-16 came out either at the same time as the Genesis, or shortly before. Some may argue that the T16 is not a 16-bit system, as it does rely on a main 8-bit processor, but the graphics were handled by a 16-bit chip. Third, they claimed credit for bringing out the first CD-based video game system. False. The TurboGrafx had it's own CD-ROM attachment long before the SegaCD came out. I can't remember the others, but there were a few more false claims. Another gripe about Sega is that they rush to bring shit out, then drop all support for their products. Take the Sega CD, 32X, Saturn, and recently the Dreamcast for example.

    <LI>Sony: Their products and quality control are poorer than a Chinese restaurant next to an animal shelter. I've never fucking owned a single Sony product that didn't break on me. Bookshelf CD systems that crap out after a couple years, an alarm clock that gains an hour every couple of weeks, countless discmans, hell - even the goddamn earphone plugs on the headphones. Videogame-wise, I've gone through two original PlayStations, and anyone familiar with my hatred and contempt for Sony will recall my vow to never purchase another Sony product again.

    <LI>NEC: Back in the day, prices. Their handheld TurboExpress was just too steep. More notably, however, was their trend of not bringing all of their best games over from Japan and releasing them here.

    <LI>Capcom: Give it a rest with the fucking sequels, already. I'm sick and tired of going to the arcade and seeing 40 different SF2 games, each with it's own fucking name.

    <LI>Konami: Ok, you've got the best music of any of the console games, howsabout including the goddamn sound tests when you bring them out in the US? What, you only want the Japs to listen to the BGM alone? Also, it's about goddamn time you released the Dracula X (Castlevania) game in the US, and I'm not talking about the cheesey SNES version.

    <LI>THQ: Forever tarnished by the horrible games they released in the 16-bit era.[/list]

    And, last - but not least:

    <UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI>Namco: Fuck you for preventing me from getting exact duplicate control panel overlays for my Ms Pacman (With the original Midway logo).

  4. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by m2k:
    where there's a will there's a way lomo... buy a set of security bits for your screwdriver.. (that is if you have a drill/driver, or a screwdriver with interchangable heads)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I've found a way, but the special bits cost about $30 a set through the only place I've actually found them. Imagine a regular 'torx' screwdriver - invert it. The screws look like the torx driver itself, and the screwdriver has to fit around it. I'm trying to find a cheaper route around the whole mess...

    Also, on their smaller items (Gameboy, GC controllers, etc), they use a strange three-pronged phillips screw... A while back, I started to make my own bit out of a cheap screwdriver and a few files, but never finished...
  5. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nauseous:
    So which one is your favorite?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Difficult to say, really. Some of the companies I listed are manufacturers of games and consoles, others just do games. If I had to pick a favorite game-only company, I'd probably go with Konami. (Contra, Castlevania, Gradius)

    As far as hardware goes, Sony is dead last. Nintendo probably makes the most durable products (My first GameBoy was deep-sixed in a river - still worked like it was brand new), Sega makes good shit, too... Never really drowned a GameGear to see how well it held up, but I've never had any other problems with their systems... (Except a couple used Gen2 systems where I had to resoldier the power plug to the motherboard - could have been caused by the previous owners, though)

    My favorite console itself has to be the Genesis CDX, though - a 3-in-1 combo: portable CD player/Genesis/SegaCD...

  6. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member


    ...Ain't she a beaut?
  7. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    'She' looks like a glorified radar detector.
  8. GreenAppleSplatters

    GreenAppleSplatters New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The Reverend Gladamere Stroganoff:
    Nintendo probably makes the most durable products (My first GameBoy was deep-sixed in a river - still worked like it was brand new <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I cleaned my nintendo like there's no tomorrow but that fucker still doesn't work right,but the game boy is pretty durable though.
  9. GreenAppleSplatters

    GreenAppleSplatters New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The Reverend Gladamere Stroganoff:

    ...Ain't she a beaut?

    That sure is purty...
  10. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Splattery Goodness:
    That sure is purty...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I creamed my shorts three times just from looking at mine today...


    Nauseous: 'She' is not a glorified radar detector, thank you...


    And, if you've got any soldiering experience, you might try finding a new 72-pin connector and giving your NES a transplant... After a while, those pins get corroded and don't make contact anymore. I've seen 'em on ebay for like ten bucks, but I'm sure you can find them elsewhere.
  11. Stranger

    Stranger New Member

    Try this game for a good laugh.
  12. Stranger

    Stranger New Member

    ...but you have to play it for the effect, othterwise you will just groan
  13. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The Reverend Gladamere Stroganoff:
    Nauseous: 'She' is not a glorified radar detector, thank you...

    I said 'she' looks like one.
  14. CancerBeans

    CancerBeans Member

    thq will never be forgiven........

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