
Discussion in 'Medical Advice' started by Nauseous, Sep 3, 2007.

  1. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Dr. Dan,

    I'm so spinny today that I can't do anything. I feel sick to my stomach and this has been going on for over a year... some days worse than others. Today is rough. I went to an ENT and my hearing tests came back normal and was to have an ENG test, but I can't have any benzos before the test and there is no way that I could go through with it.

    The ENT thought it was BPV but I know that it isn't because this isn't caused my any movement of my head. This is vertigo whether I move or not. I have some tinnitus, mainly in one ear... I know this problem is related to my inner ears, either that or I have some big ass brain tumor. Of all the research I could get, it sounds like Meniere's Disease, but the ENT didn't think it was. He also said that allergy and sinus pressure wouldn't cause any balance issues, so I know he doesn't know shit. I am stuffy and my eyes get a film on them most of the day. I take Allegra when I can remember, but it doesn't seem to do anything. I can't take anything with pseudoephedrine in it or I will pass out.

    I took OTC meclizine and then I got a RX for it. I took it once and it didn't do anything but make me groggy the next day. Is that stuff okay to take in the course of a day with a couple of benzos? Klonopin, Xanax or Ativan don't help much with the vertigo and I know that they are used sometimes for the treatment of vertigo, so I am pretty much fucked, huh? Oh and I don't take Ativan or Xanax everyday. I do take .5 mg of Klonopin once a day.

    Oh and the dipshit ENT suggested a low sodium diet. The last time I had bloodwork, my sodium level was abnormally low and I told him this. He just looked at me blankly. I wanted to punch his fucking face in. He didn't even do the Dix Hallpike test right. I think he was just some dumbass in the waiting room who came in wearing a white coat.

    One more thing... my vision is really crappy and I get headaches a lot. I know that Meniere's Disease doesn't cause that so I am thinking that I may be allergic to everything and have MS.
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2007
  2. DangerousD

    DangerousD New Member


    Have you been diagnosed with migraine headaches specifically. There are 3 types of headaches: Migraine, Tension, Cluster. When do you get the vertigo? Is it in association wtih the headaches? How drugged up are you? Does the dizziness come with all the pills? Here is an article on Migraine associated vertigo:
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2007
  3. DangerousD

    DangerousD New Member

    You sodium issue is not really in the realm of ENT docs so that could be the reason for the blank stare. An internal medicine doctor would be best for working it up although any doctor could do it if they put the time into just looking back and refreshing their memory on how to work it up. How low was your sodium? Was it lower than 130? It becomes dangerous below 125. If it was only a little low it could be in the category of who cares it doesn't matter.
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2007
  4. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    How drugged up am I? Jesus.. it's not like I down a bunch of pills and think "Gee. The room is spinning. I wonder why?"
  5. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I think Dans bedside manner is lacking on the boards, what he may have meant to say is, "My dear, what type of medication are you taking, do you notice a change in headache/vertigo before, or after medicating? Do you remember what you have done when you wake up? Can I make a house call if you dont?"

    I think you need to get some of them cool magnet bracelets that seem to help everyone from golfers to astronauts.
  6. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Shit... all he replies is with a link. Any asshole can do that.

    As much as a hypochondriac as I am, I would be more apt to help people. :)
  7. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Are you one of those people that when you finally kick the bucket your tombstone is going to say, "I told you I was sick"?

    The only time I experience anything like vertigo is if I stand up too quickly. Which is apparently a blood pressure drop. I have pooped one time where I got kind of light headed, I even saw stars, but I think it was because I ate Ramen noodles dry.
  8. DangerousD

    DangerousD New Member

    I replied with questions as in getting a history which is often the most important part of obtaining a diagnosis especially if I can't do a physical examination ;).
  9. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    TMI for me but I understand Nauseous really enjoys talking shit.
  10. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    I had a touch of tinnitus or labrynthitus once for a week. Worst shit I've ever had. I lost 7 lbs in 4 days. I could only lay down with my head partially on a pillow for days. I finally got some medication to address the nausea but I had to get a ride to work the first few days of the following week because I was like a drunk behind the wheel. Whatever I got from the ENT on the first visit did nothing for me. I had a follow-up 4 days later.

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