Yeah fuckers. Let's see your puny bitch ass nation launch one of those!
Sorry, it wasn't launched, it was put in a tunnel under the ground, but still. Your nation's largest pales in comparison.
700 ton hell yeah! The fishing video was pretty amazing though. Anybody watch that? Take a little vacation Smurf?
That is fucking hilarious. Too bad when they detonate that 700 Ton mother fucker the plates are going to shift and California is going to sink off in the pacific. Sorry dio. Buy some floatees.
I was just thinking about the 'superman' movie where lex bought up all the property on the east side of california.....
It's cool, one of the girls that works at the store next to mine has breast implants. I'll just float on her.
I want them to float though. I'm trying to live through the sinking of the west coast. And maybe cop a feel. On her artificially inflated breasts. Is that so wrong, damnit?
Don't forget your dildo, while your getting off to some silicone tits might as well give her the old silicone schlong.
Good thinking Joe, then I can attach a propeller to it and power my way to Arizona while getting her off. You really think efficiently. You must be a republican.
Always glad to help if I can. We should test the 700 ton bomb and use this technology to make Iran dream about it every night. Dream Warfare[/url]