US Didn't Make Iraq’s Violence “Worse”;They Made it “Happen&

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Nursey, Oct 30, 2006.

  1. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    It matters not who tosses in the kindling; it was America that started the fire!- Jesse - Editor,

    No matter how hard the media works to keep Americans stupid the people of this great nation remain smarter than they think; only they don’t know it. The current message coming out of our media via the people who really run our government is that our presence in Iraq is making the violence in Iraq worse. This is clearly a pre-packaged excuse for bringing troops home and blaming the violence on the Iraqis, al Qaeda, Iran, Syria, the devil, liberals, Michael Moore, Nancy Pelosi, Susan Sarandon, NY Yankee Alex Rodriguez and anyone who did not want to launch this war based on lies. I forgot one…the Dixie Chicks!

    Well Americans understand the logic of who really is at fault for the violence; only many of them don’t know it. We have laws in this nation that holds bars and bartenders responsible for allowing someone to get so drunk that they cause harm by driving drunk. Parents in this nation are held responsible for the actions of their children and can be arrested if their child commits a crime with their handgun. People in this nation even take issue when criminals are given light sentences by judges and then commit more crimes as soon as they get out of prison. We often become outraged and the “liberal” judge who did not protect society from the criminal.

    Americans know that criminals often have support and sometimes they even have sponsors. Americans even realize that sometimes the criminal is sometimes not even the person who committed the crime; sometimes the real criminal is the one who creates a situation where someone who would never have committed a crime commits one. We have seen this in real life and we have seen this in movies. Americans understand this concept better than they realize.

    The problem today, thanks to our criminal news media, is that Americans are not viewing the violence in Iraq for what it is. It is a lawless out of control situation that was created by one thing and one thing only; Americas invasion of Iraq. That is it. That is the only cause, the only reason and the only explanation for every single death that has occurred in Iraq for over three years. Every single bit of violence is the sole responsibility of the people who decided to invade that nation and unleash the ethnic hostilities that were kept in check by Saddam Hussein. Anyone looking at this situation must eventually acknowledge the greatness of Saddam as compared with America. While America can not stop the violence between the warring factions in Iraq in even one city Saddam was able, via strong-arm measures keep his nation calm and quiet.

    Saddam killed Iraqis who were causing him trouble; we kill Iraqis who cause us trouble Saddam tortured Iraqis who opposed him. America tortured Iraqis for various reasons; none of which were explained. Saddam’s killings and torture kept his nation calm; America’s killings and torture has stirred up violence not seen in that region in generations.

    The difference is that Saddam’s cruel and tyrannical rule kept Iraq relatively peaceful where people lived in fear, but they did live. America on the other hand, in taking over Saddam’s role, has created a hellish environment of death and destruction. Another difference between America and Saddam is that Saddam’s rise to power did not cause the sectarian hostilities in Iraq; you can blame Britain for that one. He just chose to use a tyrannical rule to control people who do not seem to respond to democratic rule. I don’t understand how Americans do not see this at this point. Iraqis seem to have issues and Democracy is not going stop them from addressing them. (This is a big “I/we told you so” moment in history!)

    One day perhaps a majority of Americans will use the logic that they already have and apply it to issues that may make them a bit uncomfortable because it exposes some sad and disturbing things about their own nation. As sad and as disturbing as it may be the fact remains; America created the violence that exists in Iraq today. So it really does not matter if our current actions are fueling the violence because the violence itself is already America’s responsibility. Think about it!

  2. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Operation enduring chaos: The retreat of the coalition & rise of the militias

  3. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    How many people did Saddam kill Nursey?

    Let's see if you can lie out of this one. 8)
  4. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Five hundred billion, Joe, some of whom were even resident on planets outside our solar system. Everythings much better now that the cradle of civilisation has been turned into a blood soaked, toxic hellhole. And don't you worry about this thread, off you go and barbeque some chicken wings or something. :roll:
  5. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    So long as you admit that I'm right thats all.
  6. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    What a joker.
  7. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

  8. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

  9. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    It's a big internet and there are a lot of people spewing out propaganda. I'm sure you can post enough to put half the internet into sleep mode and disillusion the rest.

    That does not make it credible. Nursey do you want or advice that Saddam be placed back into power? Forget what you can copy/past of some mysterious source. What would you rather have?
  10. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I think that the 'cradle of civilization' has been blood soaked for alot longer than the U.S. has been around. It is very cheap to try and say that the area was still Mesopotamia before the US came along. When in fact that region has been in turmoil since the Jews killed Jesus.

    But it the U.S. and it's evil empire that caused all the issues.

    How soon we forget that when Russia was in Afghanistan all the cries for U.S. aid. Of course I guess when our help is needed we arent infadels.
  11. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Lived there, have you? You both know sod all about Iraq, care zilch about it's people, so why should i even bother?
  12. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I'm all for enlightenment.
  13. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Phat she is full of it either a: she never lived there or b: she don't remember shit about it. Thinks she can throw that out like a trump card.
  14. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    you are wrong on both counts joe...

    but she has happy memories of the place.. i've been told them because she loves and trusts me... and i sincerely doubt she'd sully those memories by sharing them with a filthy hatefilled bastard like yourself...

    love pimpo xxx
  15. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    You are a mean person Pimp I do not know why it is you like to trample all over my feelings like that. One of these days though you will get yours just you wait and see.
  16. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    get back under your bridge
  17. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I was just curious as to when she was there. Pre-Saddam, during Saddam. There just appears to be thousands of eye witness accounts/hundred of unmarked graves that would all differ with Iraq being Utopia before the U.S. decided to liberate Kuwait.
  18. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    hence the lie
  19. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Who said it was a Utopia? It doesn't have to be anywhere near Utopian standards to be an infinite improvement on the way things are now. But that said, it's worth pointing out that under Baath rule there was free health care (and had one of the best standards of health care in the region), free education (up to university level, plus grants to study abroad as well as a lump sum of money and plot of land that was given as an incentive to return and benefit the country with that knowledge), no tax, equal pay for women and men, and women encouraged to work in top positions even in male dominated jobs.
    America is not a Utopia, yet i wouldn't say that is reason to go and destroy it for countless generations to come.

    You aren't 'open to enlightenment'. You are so brimming with what is spoonfed from the pro-war rallying propaganda machine your opinion is already fully formed. In order to be enlightened, you have to be able to think for yourself, and think 'outside the box'.

    And i don't have to reveal personal information about myself in order to prove myself to anybody. But the fact remains, i (and people i know) have lived there (before and during the Baathist era). You have not.

    Well then, you have to at least give me credit for having extremely shrewd foresight as i've been telling people here that same thing since before little Bush had even seized power.
  20. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I wasnt asking for you to prove yourself. i was, and still am, genuinely interested in your point of view. While I may make jokes and the odd comment from time to time, I dont do it in a condesending nature, and I apologize if it came across that way.

    The Baath party came to power in Iraq in 1968 I believe, Saddam in 79, well officially in 79. It just boggles my mind to understand how a country that was witness to countless thousands of deaths, rapes, tortures, and mutilations can be worse off than they were before.

    Yes, there have been issues with the water and power, causing healthcare issues, however any attempts to help restore these utilities have been met with attacks and traps.

    the millions of people that voted in iraqs elections showed their happiness for the change in regime, and I know, they want us out, that is fine with me. But if the Coalition forces pull out right now, saddam, or someone just like him will be back in power and it will be business as usual in the dictator arena.

    i do think bush is in over his head, it appears he went in with no real exit strategy and we are paying a heavy price for it now.

    I am also confused how the 'resistance' is killing more Iraqi citizens on a daily basis than coalition forces and the Iraqi people are still terrified and wont turn them in.

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