Hi everyone. I think it would be a good idea to upgrade these forums to a new program. I have been doing some research and I think that VBulletin http://www.vbulletin.com is the best choice. The only problem with it is that it will cost $160 for the program. http://www.vbulletin.com/order/ Since I only have about $40 in my checkign account and since I never even read these stinking forums, I thought it would only be fair to ask all of you to chip in to pay for the software. If you'd like to upgrade so that more people can actually join in (right now it's difficult for more people to register because when they sign up, UBB sends them a blank email) please get together and send a few bucks to our PayPal account. The address is info@fugly.com and you can send us whatever you think it's worth at www.paypal.com If you don't think it's fair that I am asking you all to contribute, I'm sure you're going to tell me all about it. I can hardly wait. -Martin
I sent you $2. You're probably going to use it for beer though, you miserable asshole. If you do, I hope you choke on your tongue and die. I hate you and this stupid fucking site but god damn, man. These shitty .cgi Perl based forums can suck my ass. They're way too slow. You should also look at UBB Threads too. www.infopop.com. They're also PHP/MySQl based so maybe that would also be a good idea. They cost a little more though. Ok. Go fuck yourself. M.S.
Ulfur - Please don't send any alcohol to me. Seriously. I need to stop drinking every day. I'm only going to drink on days that start with S, M, T, W, and F from now on.
I can send ya some money.... even though I can't as often cause my computer is down. Right now I'm writing you from beautiful Santa Barbara, CA. I got "laid" over here for the weekend so I'm chillin with Ando and her boyfriend. Things are so different out here. Every girl looks like a super model (plastic surgery rules!) They outnumber dudes 2 to 1 (the guys are fat fucks) and all the buildings have a tropical style to them (white columns with red tile roofs, archways as well). The streets are clean as hell too. Not a piece of litter to be found. How about them apples?
Would all the old threads transfer to the new board, or would it be like totally starting over? Honestly, I can't find a thing wrong with the current forum. Well, maybe wish you'd turn that 'display name' field back on so I can shed this shitty name and go back to something else, but other than that, it's cool. Why do you want to 'upgrade,' anyway?
anything in PHP would be much faster i get paid in like two weeks so il be sure to send you what i dont spend on tags for my car oil oil filters gas nicotine and beer and hard alcohol (yes martin you have a follower)
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lomo's Haus of Audio-Video Bliss: Would all the old threads transfer to the new board, or would it be like totally starting over? Why do you want to 'upgrade,' anyway?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> now in a slightly more sober state, i agree with lomo's q's. ???
Hell yeah, Im all for the upgrade, Im chipping in at least $20. Vbulltin is alot faster, and a lot more "robust"... I think the change is a good idea
would my penis count as a "comtributiioNM" ...... how about if i sobered up and cleaned some of the sand out of my.... no MARTIN, you know my IM contact me i can help out a bit fer sure..serious
i am poorer than most of the 3rd world, but the upgrade would make it better. the newfangled sql ones are very fast, and have a stupid amount of features, and stuff.. if my bank ever accept the fact that i am in fact me and let me use fuckin internet banking well see, cuntrags they r.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by FUGLY: Thanks for letting me know. I thought you were going to call me if you were ever heading West.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Someone told me you already got out west. If you ever wanna ride out here with me, I make this trip about twice a month. Your house is almost right along the way. But I have to warn you, it might be late at night when I come rolling by blaring the airhorn. Hey UE! I'm turning on YIM right now. Ando is right beside me.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PimpDaddy: will the new one resemble the mens room of a greasy spoon cafe like this one does?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You can count on it.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Cheezedawg: Right now I'm writing you from beautiful Santa Barbara, CA. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thanks for letting me know. I thought you were going to call me if you were ever heading West.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lomo's Haus of Audio-Video Bliss: Would all the old threads transfer to the new board, or would it be like totally starting over? Why do you want to 'upgrade,' anyway?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes, everything would transfer. Accounts, threads, everything. I want to upgrade because this one sucks up more server resources and is slow. Plus it has all sorts of bugs.