
Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by PinkorBrown69, Jun 27, 2001.

  1. PinkorBrown69

    PinkorBrown69 New Member

    Great Spirit, I am unworthy;
    My species has disgraced itself.
    Of all the species that live, or have ever lived,
    Mine is the lowliest.
    Lower than the flowers who fill the air with sweet pollen,
    Lower than the trees who encircle the Earth with their roots,
    Lower than the insects, rulers of Earth
    Since the beginning of time,
    Lower than the darting fish,
    Lower than the soaring birds,
    Lower than the four-legged creatures,
    Who are the beating heart of the living Earth.

    Great Spirit, my shame is as deep as the ocean,
    And my sadness is unbearable.
    I pray for enlightenment,
    But fear that my prayer is too late.
    Great Spirit, if this be so, then I pray for extinction.
    Let my species become extinct, and vanish from the Earth.
    Let my loins be barren,
    Let my seed not sprout,
    Let the race of men fall like leaves.
    Let my fields grow wild,
    Let my fences crumble,
    Let my cities turn to dust, and become forests.
    Let the grass drink my blood;
    Let my body be food for worms.
    Great Spirit, let me die.
  2. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Great Spirit-You created this All-You MUST know what the fuck you're doing!?!!
  3. kitana

    kitana New Member

    can i drink your blood?
  4. PinkorBrown69

    PinkorBrown69 New Member

  5. kitana

    kitana New Member

    dude, thats a cool pic, but what are they doing?
  6. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    this is a cooler pic
    <img src ="http://website.lineone.net/~american.sociopath/tire.jpg">
  7. PinkorBrown69

    PinkorBrown69 New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by 666kitana999:
    dude, thats a cool pic, but what are they doing?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    The painting is called Vampire.
    She is feeding... I thought it was apt when you asked me about drinking my blood.

    Vampirism seems to be becoming more and more popular nowadays...

    Hmmm... This post has made me thirsty...
  8. Icare

    Icare New Member

  9. kitana

    kitana New Member

    ooh, both good pics. unfortunately, i can only use the vamp one as wallpaper. dont want my mom to think i am really a psychotic murderer.
  10. PinkorBrown69

    PinkorBrown69 New Member

    I quite like this one aswell.
    It is called Bloodsucker...

    [ June 28, 2001: Message edited by: PinkorBrown69 ]
  11. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    You know, to the untrained eye (such as mine) that "Vampire" pic just looks like some faggot crying into some ugly bitch's lap!
  12. kitana

    kitana New Member

    true, nauseous, that's what i was thinking when i first saw it
  13. Scrawine

    Scrawine New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PinkorBrown69:
    The painting is called Vampire.
    She is feeding... I thought it was apt when you asked me about drinking my blood.

    Vampirism seems to be becoming more and more popular nowadays...

    Hmmm... This post has made me thirsty...
    Buffy kicks vampire ass!!!
    Angel ROCKS!!!!!!
  14. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    <FONT COLOR="#ff0000" SIZE="+3">Bottled Fruit</FONT></P>

    Original Concept by: BLADE

    CG by: Waita Uziga

    Translated by: <FONT COLOR="#ffffff">Gynophagelion</FONT>
    <TD WIDTH="100%" HEIGHT="118">

    <CENTER>Featuring the middle school twins:</CENTER></P>

    <CENTER><FONT SIZE="+1">Satsuki (left) and her older sister
    Yayoi (right)

    </FONT><FONT SIZE="+3">1

    These 2 were well known for being a beautiful and
    loving pair of sisters.

    However, we make no excuses for their use as the raw materials
    for our decorative product.</CENTER>
    <TD HEIGHT="658" BGCOLOR="#262626">

    <TD HEIGHT="52">

    <CENTER><FONT SIZE="+3">2

    Being careful not to be spotted, we swiftly kidnapped

    these two as they played in the pool one day.</CENTER></TD>
    <TD HEIGHT="444" BGCOLOR="#262626">

    <TD HEIGHT="148">

    <CENTER><FONT SIZE="+3">3

    It looks like the older sister has regained consciousness.

    Though a year has already passed since that day at the pool.

    Not yet able to comprehend her situation, she gazes straight
    ahead in a blank stare,

    looking at me, and at the monitor displaying her enlarged sexual

    <CENTER>And now, it looks like the the younger sister has
    also woken up.

    Ha, ha, they're screams tell me that they've finally taken notice
    of their transformation.

    Well, then, let me explain the merchandise.</CENTER>
    <TD HEIGHT="444" BGCOLOR="#000000">

    <TD WIDTH="100%" HEIGHT="135">

    <CENTER>Both girls have had their legs and arms amputated,
    and the resulting scars removed.

    On their necks are their life support systems, monitoring systems,

    and the latest in artificial voice boxes.</CENTER></P>

    <CENTER><FONT COLOR="#ffff00">Except for her reproductive
    organs (uterus, ovaries, and vaginal canal)

    younger sister Satsuki has had nearly all of her abdominal organs
    and bones removed,

    and her uterus has been inflated for decoration.</FONT></CENTER></P>

    <CENTER><FONT COLOR="#ffff00">Of course, she can still get

    <CENTER><FONT COLOR="#ffff00">As for the older sister, Yayoi,
    we've made it so that all of her internal organs

    are plainly visible.We can now admire every beat of her heart,
    the inflation

    and deflation of her lungs with every breath she takes,

    and even the subtle vermicular motion of her intestines.</FONT></CENTER>
    <TD WIDTH="100%" HEIGHT="763" BGCOLOR="#262626">

    <CENTER>Furthermore, we've used transparent tubes to stretch
    wide all the holes

    in the older sister's lower body (vagina, uteral opening, urethra,
    urinal tract, and anus).

    This allows cameras to probe into the deepest recesses of her

    Her clitoris has been surgically enlarged and is stimulated to
    keep it erect at all times.</CENTER></P>

    <CENTER>The younger sister is also scheduled to receive this

    <CENTER>Their brains have also been modified to keep them
    from ever fleeing into insanity.

    As such, they will continuousy shed tears for all eternity as
    nothing but debased living ornaments..</CENTER></P>

    <CENTER>This product should be able to fetch quite a high
    price, don't you think?</CENTER></P>


    <CENTER>The end.</CENTER></P>

    [ June 29, 2001: Message edited by: American Sociopath ]
  15. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg Guest

    Damn. That was the most disturbing thing I've ever read before. The way it's told is almost like a medical documentary. It's scary as hell to think that people can actually conceive such things in the human mind. Although very shaken, I felt myself compelled to read further. Would that be my human curiousity wanting to explore the darker recesses of my mind? Or the need to know that things like this exist in our world? I don't know. I got a cold chill now.
  16. kitana

    kitana New Member

    Cheesy: Just go with it...
  17. kitana

    kitana New Member

    ooh, i liked that story. how about another, but with boys instead of girls?

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