Unions, socialism where do they end up getting you?

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Joeslogic, Mar 29, 2006.

  1. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  2. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

  3. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    It’s kind of like the so called "de-regulation" of the power system in California. You can take a factually proven point and spin it around 180 degrees with creative reporting. Their in a bad way over there in France. The fairly socialist French government sees why and is trying to correct the problem. Even if they stand their ground the media will avoid the fact that they were in dire straits before the issue came up and pretend in their reporting style that: All problems with labor stem specifically from the new laws imposed by the French government.
  4. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    You are an idiot Joe. You are the only person around who looks at an apple tree, knows it's an apple tree, and then blames the media for it not making oranges.
  5. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

    ... when clearly it's the socialist left's fault.
  6. smiles

    smiles New Member

    joe look at the top 5 best countries to live in and then tell me how many of their governments are "fairly socialist"
  7. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Tell me what are the top five?

    Also let me say that if France is on the list while having riots now for a few years, I've got to question the validity of the list.
  8. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  9. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  10. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    She might be pretty if she wore pink and bleached her hair and plasticized her tits.
    That might make a real woman out of her :wink:

    The problem with socialism is that somebody has to pay for it. Its better to move the production to countries were the workers are more docile and slavelike.

    It is true that the best countries to live in are ,
    ( frome the US point of view ), socialist.
    The cost of this is that capitalists in socialist countries get less dollars to attack their foreign competitors. Usually this is countered by government intervention and support. ( As seen in all major industrialised countries ).

    Your myths about socialism are a creation of the cold war. Wrong info is a serious detriment to progress.
  11. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    As for Joes question. ( Rethoric that it might be ). Socialism and unions has gotten us to the modern society were people get a basic education and have some basic rights.

    It has given us the greatest intellectual leap in the history of man. The educational, medical and societal advantages of socialism and unions, surround us everyday :p

    The increase in markets should be obvious to the american eye :wink:
  12. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

    1. You don't think it's possible that the CPA got their points from the media?

    2. Are we suddenly back in McCarthyist times, where it's enough to point fingers and shout "Communist" without actually listening to what's being said?

    3. Who says that the fact that the Communist Party supports something in and of itself makes that thing wrong?
  13. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Chester asked
    I say its so 80 percent of the time.

    Xerx made a few statements on socialism that I would like to address. While it is true socialism has its merits. The scale of balance is tilted way in the direction of socialism at this time. And at the same time the idiotic general public only looks at the basic surface level regarding issues of international policy. If the media tells them their miserable then they feel miserable. If the media tells them they are happy then they feel happy. Polls show consumer confidence is at a four year high right now but the public is not informed about these polls because it does not fulfill the lefts agenda. This same parallel is being shown in France for all but the most closed minded amongst us. Frances policies have become increasingly more socialist. This is the cause of the problem. The media however will spin the news to make the typical shallow minded idiot believe that the current riots are righteous causes against the evil capitalist’s right.
    Their situation will get worse over the further left the tilt becomes. The media will be feverishly at work with the smoke and mirrors they use to create a false impression.

    The more miserable they become the more frustrated they get then when they are at a frenzy level the media will direct that same frustration towards the evil American empire. Let’s not remind them in the meanwhile that they made their own bed that they will have to sleep in.
  14. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Then how did you find out about it, since it's being suppressed by the omni-potent leftist media?

    Wrong again. All of Europe is rapidly moving towards deregulation of major industries, and opening up markets. The advent of the E.U. has made things much more difficult for European unions to remain effective, since it is so easy to outsource labor now. Don't get your facts confused Joe. Unless you enjoy looking like an idiot standing there clutching your Americana?
  15. smiles

    smiles New Member

    fuck i can;t find the exact country listing but the U.S. is ranked as number 10. Numbers 1-5 aredominated by scandinavian countries, which as you now are quite socialist, fucki wish i had the last, i think Canada and australia were on there too
  16. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

    Oh, well if you say it's so, it must be true. :roll:
  17. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    If you dig you find the information.

    Its like if it were a news paper for example. Negative poll numbers for bush get front page coverage. Good poll numbers... if the newspaper conducted the poll and it was common knowledge that they did then they have to post the numbers to save face and supposedly prevent the appearance of bias. This will be reserved for a small two inch section near the obituaries.

    That is just an extreme example but you get the point.

    I believe it was newsmax.com a rightwing news outlet where I got that info. If not that probably Drudge Report which seems to have no bias just pushes out to the front those obscure but nonetheless relevant news items.

    Scandinavian countries are very much socialists and having problems with there medical programs I would guess just like Canada. There are some admirable qualities that the Scandinavian countries have that are a testament I suppose to the people.
    I would view the poll with a deal of suspicion based upon who conducted it. Meanwhile the foreigners are flooding there way into the U.S. at break back speeds.
  18. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Funny, a poll that is conducted saying that the U.S. is the 10th best country to live in is viewed with suspicion, but a poll that says something positive about the Bush Administration isn't? Interesting. That damn leftist media.
  19. smiles

    smiles New Member

    it's actualy the UN that does the rankings and they do it based on a wide variety of criteria........ i tried their site but i couldnt find it for this year..... bah...... the only problem canada has with healthcare is that for certain operations and transplants they set you up in order of urgency so some peopel do end up waiting a while for treatment..... but that rarely stops pregnant american mothers from taking a northern vcation come the 9th month......
  20. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

    Hey smiles, I saw a great documentary on how easy it is to get BC head across the border into the US. Some guy made like $19 million before he got busted. Another guy tunnelled from Canada to a house in the US to get the stuff in.

    Do you think it's a solid business idea?

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