tyson and lewis

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by tommy710, Jun 11, 2002.

  1. tommy710

    tommy710 Active Member

    just like to mention that that so called hard guy pyschopath boxer you fucking yanks have got,had the shit punched outta him saturday which i think is pretty good for the limey boy,wo you gonna come up with no to beat tyson maybe some childmolester or jack nicholson from the shining would be good ,stick the ear biting fucking retards that your used too.
  2. Matthew

    Matthew New Member

    I just want you to know that this thread made no fucking sence whatsoever. I got from it that you were somehow insulting mike tyson... Great I hate that sorry piece of shit also. Whooptie fuckin doo!!! I really hope you shoot yourself tommy.
  3. nerpsen

    nerpsen New Member

    I think what this guy is saying, Matt is that he has nothing valid to post on this forum so he dribbles shit on his keyboard abd hopes that makes a good topic. Kind of you you, you nazi cheesy goat cock sucking homosexual.
  4. ross_perot

    ross_perot New Member

    tommy, have you been having erotic fantasies about mike tyson again? you know your mum spanked you so bloody hard after the teen infatuation you had with him.
  5. tommy710

    tommy710 Active Member

    eeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr does that mean you dont like me?

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