Not a movie related topic, well the movie is coming out next year, but this isn't movie related, I just wanted to post it here so I could delete anyone that made fun of me for being super excited for this shit. Love it or leave Beeoootttchhesssss.
Hmm. Am I a terrible person for asking my man to sell his original transformers, in their original boxes? I was quite happy with the proceeds. But he cried when we mailed them. I think it hurt him deep. I let him keep a couple!
You better be giving him hummers two times a week for the next year. That's fucked up to make a man sell his toys.
They were not kidding when the called this a TEASER trailer....
I love Transformers the movie is going to be shit Bay Directing blah. Bumble Bee a Fucking Camaro, Prime has Flames. Devastator a tank. The Mars bullshit the list keeps piling up that it will be a pile of shit. No thanks
Don't forget that Soundwave is a CD player...I hope this movie is good, I can't say one way or the other yet though...but I still hope. GJ what are you saying at the begining of this, that you love it????...not being a dick, but I serioulsy can't make sense of it.
Sorry I was modding a post at another board, I was saying I love Transformers. But the movie I have my doubts. When I heard Bay was going to direct it totally made me fear the worst. With what I have seen so far, I kind of shutter. Some pics