Transfomers Live Action Movie. The Potential Awesomness.

Discussion in 'Movies and Television' started by TheGrimJesus, Feb 28, 2006.

  1. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    I posted this over at imdb I think Shemd with agree with me 100%

    When I think Cartoon our game to Live Action it brings back horrors of Popeye, Flintstones, & Street Fighter The Movie. It also brings back fright of flipping thru the channels one day and seeing Power Rangers The Movie on HBO.

    I'm all for a new Transformers G1 movie, don't get me wrong. Why can't it be a Cartoon? I mean do it in CGI but make it a freaking Cartoon. Do the CGI like from the Tekkan games and it will be tight then you can have all the bots you want.

    I already without reading anything about this movie breakdown the plot for you.

    It will open with a large battle on there home planet leading too a space ship chase. Crash landing on Earth. Then it will fade to black and open with Archeologists cracking a hole into a cave which will be the "Ark". The people will go in talking how finding this ship is like finding the missing link blah blah. Which at this point we will be introduced to the kid of the main archeologist who is a bit of a trouble maker and is always sticking his nose into things he should not be. In fact he snuck into the "Ark" after his father gave him a big speech about its too dangerous to go in there. At this point he will hit some button or lever which will cause the computer to fire up. Which will revive the Autobots and send a signal to the Decpeticons ship as well. Then we will have people running from the "Ark" Then we will have a big Montages of the computer finding disguise for the robots in the "Ark". Then we will have people going nuts outside when the robots come out. Of course that is when the kid approaches them and everyone sees they are not dangerous at all. In fact the boy befriends the smallest of the robots Bumblebee.

    Then we will flash to the Decepticons Ship which we will have a small power battle among the robots here. As they do not see Megtron. StarScream of course will be declaring himself as leader when out of nowhere Megtron appears and blasts him across the room. Both sides of course will go out to see the new world and try out there new bodies. At which point we will have another Montage of the Autobots and Deceptcons doing all sorts of driving and flying stunts. Then we will get down to the heart of the plot. Megatron of course will want to do what he set out to do when they ended up there. Kill prime. So he will send out a few of the others to track down the "Ark" and recon the area. Of course Soundwave will be trying to get a hold of the home planet to figure away back. Starscream will be on the recon mission. When he spots Bumblebee and the boy. Of course Bumblebee and the boy will be some where they should not be doing something they where told not to do. When Starscream attacks knocks out Bumblebee kidnaps the boy. Bubblebee will come too and go tell Prime that the Decepticons are there and they have the boy. Megtron will torment the boy. Which then the boy will use the tried and true line wait till my friends get here or something along those lines. Then there will be a large fight with a climax "Final Battle" between Prime and Megtron which of course StarScream will interfere with and cause Megtron the win. Then there will be a big party and the humans will swear to keep the Autobots secrets. We will close with a shot of Shockwave on a screen as Soundwave makes contact with the home world setting up the sequel. Of course this is just the meat of the plot I see them going with as it is the normal formula Hollywood follows. Of course there will be filler here and there of whatever is trendy at the time maybe some robots doing whatever the hip dance is coming up to release and blah blah blah.

    All and all it will be like most everything they release crap. Keep it a cartoon.
  2. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    There is also a rumor going around that the Tformers will be bio-mechanical, nothing confirmed yet though...ugghh.
  3. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    They just need to scrap it, There are enough black eyes on the Transformers from the many bad cartoons releases as of late.

    Beastwars not being one of them.
  4. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

  5. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

  6. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

    Yeah it's amazing what can be done in CGI these days. Especially if you have $$$$.
  7. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

  8. SPOooOn

    SPOooOn New Member

    damn man .. devastator looks sick
  9. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    So should the name of the thread be changed to Transfomers Live Action Movie: The Potential Awesomeness?

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