Top Researchers Speak Out To Stop Manipulation of Science For Political Gain

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Nursey, Mar 1, 2007.

  1. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    ...because the 'left wing media' (as Joe quaintly refers to it) no longer practices journalism, allowing right-wing spin to go freely unchallenged. With 'enemies' like that...who needs friends?

  2. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  3. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    Thanks nursey, when they start manipulating this sort of thing you have to be weary. They are rewriting history too and it cant be good for us.
  4. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    You're welcome. And i should also mention that if it was the left-wing who were in (super) power just now and they were skewing the facts to suit their agenda (and i certainly wouldn't put it past them these days seeing as there is no real left or right anymore, just corruption), i'd be just as vocal against it. But Joe isn't interested in facts, only in defending his twisted world outloook.
    A person of real honour and integrity respects truth even when it is against them.
  5. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    The hive mind is approaching and nobody will notice, why? Because they're already mindless drones, too wrapped up in themselves to see we're about to face life changing global events, the kind documented only in history books and burned in the minds of our veterans.

    We're probably overdue for a war and the masters of Earth want to bring it upon us.

    I think I've come to the point where I really dont fear my demise, I just hope they wipe out all the fools with me.
  6. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Ever watch a Jerry Springer episode where there are some trashy people on the stage but at least you can see that one is telling the truth. But you have no idea which. They start calling each other liar back and forth. Then one tells about how the other lied about letting a lie that supposedly the other told. And then other retaliates by explaining that its not true that is just a lie and then proceeds to go into a long dragged out story about how the other lied about a lied he supposedly told that the other guy lied when he actually did lie really that’s no lie?

    You two are a funny couple of tools to watch.
  7. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    Wow, I'm much smarter than you and I'm an idiot(says some other asshole, although if i'm ever compared to you on a fixed scale it would make you fucking retarded for sure)

    So, since when do you think we would ever watch the same mindless, heaving, sweaty, herpes infested toilet-crust that you cream over on a frequent schedule??

    You'll probably find were a bit more in depth than trying to determine which of the 7 whores have a child which I'm the true father of.
  8. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    See look what you made me do? I'm so drunk I cant even insult properly anymore.
  9. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  10. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    What science are they talking about? It's just talking about whether people think gays should adopt kids.
  11. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator


    Yes, the right-wing 'family' group is against gays adopting and is skewing scientific data on a variety of related subjects to support their reasoning. Personally, i'm not too keen on the idea of gay couples adopting kids, but that doesn't even come into it. The point is, respected academics' works being distorted for political gain and media complicity in the lies and distortions. That affects all of us.
  12. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    I agree people like Rush Limbaugh are full of shit. Personally, I don't really think of psychology and sociology as hard science. To me it's more like soft science and people spin it both ways because it's hard to prove either way using things like double blind trials.
  13. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member



    Since your not into "straight foreword, like it or not the facts are simply this" kind of people. I'll tell it to ya this way. Great job Michelle! You did good! Warm Fuzzes for you! I'm putting a GOLD star by your name!

    Rush to opinion aside however. Lets just look at the irony here. Extreme right winger points out faults in radical Left wing professors rhetoric using his own words. Radical Left is worked into a frenzy and spews rhetoric about there radical rhetoric being taken out of context. Conspirators across the globe seize upon this as proof. Proof of exactly what makes no sense to me but in their minds it seems there is something here that proves ...... come to think of it this is far to ludicrous why bother like I said its a Jerry Springer fiasco.
  14. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    I can tell you why I don't like Rush Limbaugh. He is a fucking idiot loud mouth motherfucker who makes all his money off of being right wing. If he wasn't right wing he wouldn't have a fucking job. That is why he is right wing on every fucking issue. Do you really think it is possible to be right by taking one side 100% of the time. That is why I think he is full of shit and he annoys the hell out me. That and whenever I am at my parents place they always have his stupid ass playing on the radio. There is even something called the best of rush limbaugh as if their is a best and it's not all shit. I can't really tell with all the sarcasm bullshit but it is the internet and if you are a completely retarded lunatic you have to know sarcasm doesn't work over the internet.
  15. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Fair enough no argument there. I personally like Rush because I see where he is coming from on 90 percent of what he says. I have not listened to him in years however and recently went to his website. For the first time in quite a while. That being said he is cocky and obnoxious at the extreme anoying level and really is more like the preacher preaching to the choir. He is popular because he fills a void actually like a magnet attracting those eager to hear what they totally agree to because no one else does. This is less the case lately. He is equally repulsive to those who are of a different mindset so the same magnet analogy applies. And like the preacher preaching to the choir (or already converted) he is not making any headway at rounding up the unbelievers. Personally I think he is happy with that though.

    I actually associate more with the independent ideal. And I like that Neal Boortz guy as probably one of my favorite commentators.

    Aw come now at least you saw it for precisely what it was. 8)

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