While I was making a grilled cheese sandwich, I wanted to put my hand down on the pan and burn the skin off. Is that normal? I always feel like burning myself when I am stressed. I've done it with cigarettes in the past, but a frying pan... that is a new one.
Working with liquid glass, i have had a 4th degree burn, yes they do exist. You hand, go for it, but crank up the broiler, put the pan in there for 20 minutes, then put the pan om the hottest burner. Try to get it to stage two red. Don't half ass it. If you want I can preheat your pan with my kiln or bench burner
"But Im not that crazy any more" yea right. Why dont you just ask your boyfriend to buy you a flash fryer and you can stick your head in it. What the fuck makes you want to burn yourself when you are stressed? Fuck go masturbate and get back on an even keel. I seen the flash fryer thing in some B- horror flick. it was funny as hell. the guy was going to kill her, as they were making out on the counter in a fast food restaraunt he slid her along the counter and stuck her head in the fryer. Then there was this big hush puppy headed topless chick in her panties running around the kitchen. It was hilarious.
I aim to please, I tihnk they did that in ummmm, Kaptian Kobuki (???) movie too, but they shoved his hands into the fryer
This sounds like a cry for help. I can hear you caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllling, but I can't help you. What stopped you from doing it? Were you scared or did you realise that it would be a very stupid thing to do? I think you are just morbid.
C'mon. You all think crazy thoughts like that. I used to think weird shit even more like ... my ex had a nephew and I wondered what he would do if I threw him out the window. Not that I would, but what their reaction to it would be. Would they attack me, run to the baby... what? Or being in the grocery store and hitting an old woman with a jug of milk in the head. What would she do? That kind of stuff.
Ive already addressed this in here, but I just have the idea of punching people out that are talking to me. Not sure why. They will be rambling on about something and I will think to myself, "I wonder if they would get mad if I just punched them right in the eye".....other than that, nope.
I think that too. Or spit in someone's face or knock over a display at a store. The possibilities are endless.