I actually started to cry, when I heard all our rights went out the window. America is dead. Long Live Bush Land.....
American Prison Camps Are on the Way 'Kellogg Brown & Root, a Halliburton subsidiary, is constructing a huge facility at an undisclosed location to hold tens of thousands of Bush's "unlawful enemy combatants." Americans are certain to be among them. The Military Commissions Act of 2006 governing the treatment of detainees is the culmination of relentless fear-mongering by the Bush administration since the September 11 terrorist attacks. Because the bill was adopted with lightning speed, barely anyone noticed that it empowers Bush to declare not just aliens, but also U.S. citizens, "unlawful enemy combatants."'
So what specifically I know you are dying to be asked has someone like maybe 20 second Keith Olbermann informed you of? And after you answer that question then who is to blame for this atrocity? And after answering that one now what is it that you and I can personally do in the short term like within the next month to try to turn that perceived dilemma around?
Nothing i hadn't found out at the alternative news sites i frequent. You aren't going to get away with belittling such a monumental ruling by acting as if it's only that particular reporter who is voicing any concerns about it. Although, maybe in your insulated small world, he is the only person discussing it. I suppose 'suspension of habeas corpus' doesn't warrant much comment to a crazed, rabid extremist like yourself. The person responsible would be the person (and their handlers) who (in violation of the U.S. constitution) put pen to paper to sign away one of the most fundamental human rights. OH...i get it. You believe that the 'dilemma' is choosing between TREERTTRRROEISM and loss of freedom, and that the terrorssiistss are to blame, and now you want us to say 'KILL the TRREWEOISTS' here, yes?
Not all of us post information to appear cool, superior and 'in the know'. Some of us just post whatever's relevent, when it's relevent for no ulterior motive other than to inform. And you seem to have reverted back to sneering, cynical smurf again. Have you and the Lord had a lovers tiff or something? :wink:
Hey Nursey -or- Sherrif elect Grim either one please answer me a few questions since you are so smart. 1st: What is habeas corpus'? 2nd: What regarding it has been reversed and puts me or my neighbor at risk? 3rd: Has this ever happened before in the past?
1) u have a right to your body, meaning that if you aren;t charged with anything they can't arbitrarily detain you 2) that you CAN be held arbitrarily without being charged with anything? 3) instances of martial law, or in canada during the war measures act are the only times that come to mind...... this isn’t a temporary application forged out of immediate necessity....... joe let me put it in a way you might agree with..... if after the next election *god forbid* a democrat gets elected he decides that anyone preaching intolerance and segregation is actually performing an act of terror on america....... would you see how it might affect you and Billy Joe Bob Hank Moose next door? joe would you trust a terrorist with a nuke? then why would you trust a politician with ducktape and a black hoodie?
Sing it with me ... ...O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the "free" and the home of the brave?
1. Lat. "you have the body" Prisoners often seek release by filing a petition for a writ of habeas corpus. A writ of habeas corpus is a judicial mandate to a prison official ordering that an inmate be brought to the court so it can be determined whether or not that person is imprisoned lawfully and whether or not he should be released from custody. A habeas corpus petition is a petition filed with a court by a person who objects to his own or another's detention or imprisonment. The petition must show that the court ordering the detention or imprisonment made a legal or factual error. Habeas corpus petitions are usually filed by persons serving prison sentences. In family law, a parent who has been denied custody of his child by a trial court may file a habeas corpus petition. Also, a party may file a habeas corpus petition if a judge declares her in contempt of court and jails or threatens to jail her. 2. It is a fundamental right of the constitution, By removing or suspending as he did we no longer have the above right. Also Bush's bill does not say how they determine who is or who isn't a Enemy Combaten. It falls to bush and his boys club to point their finger and say I don't like that guy lock him away. In short he has set in motion the brick work for him to take control of the country and be supreme ruler. 3. Yes Lincoln Suspend it . But according to the constitution. The Constitution of the United States, Article 1, Section 9: "The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it." Also a nice direct quote from bush made in 2000. http://www.newsgateway.ca/bush_dictator.htm This country is in trouble and it's time for the citizens to take it back from both the dems & republicans
Please dont say it doesnt define 'enemy combatant' when it clearly does. It does leave it open, so that when some militia in Montana decides to join the al qaeda, they can be held as enemy combatants, but that wouldnt happen, oh wait it did in Florida........ And everyone speaks of 'sleeper cells' living in the US. Well they are probably US citizens by now, welcomed in by the country they hate. So lets see, you get info saying that joe jihad is a member of a terrorist sect, you see on his phone bills and bank statements that he has been receiving large sums of money from over seas accounts and has been buying a lot of stuff with cash drawn from this account. So now there are people watching him. He is meeting at all hours with other known suspects, you go pick him up for questioning. Well ole' Joe Jihad is a citizen, he has been in the US for 10 years, owns three T-Mobile stores and has 2 kids in middle school. Well you can only hold him for about 24 hours without officially charging him. Well he knows this, he isnt talking, so you have to let him out, now that he has been held he knows that the government is on to him, so him and his 'group' go to a local mall with guns bought with cash at a local Wal-Mart and kill 100 people and then themselves. Then the media says, "You had him in custody why didnt you do something to prevent this?" What would you do? What is your solution????? I posted this over in general mayhem, but to slim down the search here it is again.... From the Library of Congress..... `(1) UNLAWFUL ENEMY COMBATANT- (A) The term `unlawful enemy combatant' means-- `(i) a person who has engaged in hostilities or who has purposefully and materially supported hostilities against the United States or its co-belligerents who is not a lawful enemy combatant (including a person who is part of the Taliban, al Qaeda, or associated forces); or `(ii) a person who, before, on, or after the date of the enactment of the Military Commissions Act of 2006, has been determined to be an unlawful enemy combatant by a Combatant Status Review Tribunal or another competent tribunal established under the authority of the President or the Secretary of Defense. `(B) CO-BELLIGERENT- In this paragraph, the term `co-belligerent', with respect to the United States, means any State or armed force joining and directly engaged with the United States in hostilities or directly supporting hostilities against a common enemy. `(2) LAWFUL ENEMY COMBATANT- The term `lawful enemy combatant' means a person who is-- `(A) a member of the regular forces of a State party engaged in hostilities against the United States; `(B) a member of a militia, volunteer corps, or organized resistance movement belonging to a State party engaged in such hostilities, which are under responsible command, wear a fixed distinctive sign recognizable at a distance, carry their arms openly, and abide by the law of war; or `(C) a member of a regular armed force who professes allegiance to a government engaged in such hostilities, but not recognized by the United States. You can read the whole Act here, http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/F?c109:2:./temp/~c109twrsf8:e0:
It didnt get rid of Habeas Corpus, it just says, "Hey if you are an alien, or a terrorist, we can put you in jail forever and never try you, so dont fuck up" If you are in jail you, or someone else, can still invoke habeas corpus. If you get arrested in Mexico what rights do you have? Colombia? Brazil, Iran, Syria?????? You think you would have a right to a speedy trial? Right to face your accuser? Do you think you would have any rights? So why should we give non-citizens the same rights as citizens when they have been found to be unlawful-combatants by a military tribunal? We are giving them more rights than they have in their own countries. But hey, lets just let them all go. Why not?
Phat yes it does But allows them to do the same to an American Citizen or did you miss that line in the bill?
Thanks Phat for summing that up. Now let me add a little bit there have been times when Americans have lost more rights than currently during previous world wars. Also If we were trying these people in regular civilian court then Bush has to protect the nation now against activist judges out to do whatever they can to assist in the terrorists effort. Just look at the recent fiasco with the America hating leftwing waco lawyer. They gave that bitch a little over 2 years and called it 26 months instead. They should have tried and killed her for treason.
Your just getting played like a fool by the media who is all to willing to exploit your ignorance. Wise up don't let them do ya like that. The really stupid part is the fact that its the left who have the track record of assulting citizens rights now they act alarmed their full of shit.
26 months IS a little over two years :? are you saying that your countrymen are so stupid that they'd be fooled into thinking that 26 months is longer than a little over two years?.... and joe.. the fear that people have over this new development is, where will it end?.. and how long will it be until the definition of combat is spinned into much more than is accepted now?.. say.. criticism of the government.. it's not that long of a slippery slope.. and how many more guarantees will your citizens lose as this war against a subtly shifting definition continues.... and don't forget joe.. the democrats will hold the power after 2008.. and they'll hold the keys to the gulags.. and you've pissed them off with your stupid rhetoric
I reuter The Constitution of the United States, Article 1, Section 9: "The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it." Neither of these hold true right now. So Bush and the Republicans are in violation of Constitutional Law. We are not in Rebellion or Invasion & The Public Safety is not threatened.