Took these last night after comming home from dinner and seeing how some of the trees in the parking lot looked pretty awsome I went home and charged up batteries for my camera. As you can maybe see by the time I went back out it was late I took these around 12:30. Of course I picked the trees where I could get an angle looking into the sky and with a bright over head or from behind street lamp. It was damn cold like 22 degrees and most Texans were in the house keeping warm as they are not used to this kind of shit. Except I did run into one other person who did not have enough damn sense to come in out of the cold. Said his name was Bill and he was from New York and ready to go back said this ain't shit for a New Yorker.
It was in the 60s Friday morning (generally 0600 or right before sunup is the coldest part of the day) but it started dropping then and this is apparently what we got to deal with till Tuesday eve.
It was mid-70s here as well, but it is supposed to cool down by the weekend. The parcells pic has to be one of the best ones I have seen here in a long time.....
it was 75 here today, the local weather says we are going to get rain, then cool down. the Wii says we are getting snow and ice. usually the Wii is correct.