This is an example of what I mean when I talk about dumbing down the population most people have no idea what goes on and the process by which it takes place.
"you give me brown envelope stuffed full of cash i vote in favour of the bill you want backed that will make your employers richer"
If you had that on recording then you might have something. But what if I were a politician who ran on the premise that I was for easing governmental regulations on business. And was given a large campaign donation by a person who was concerned about the welfare of his employer? It is hard to prove is it not?
How about Harry Reid AP Exclusive: Reid Got $1M in Land Sale Any wrong doing here? Reid used campaign cash for Christmas bonuses How about here? In contrast how is a Republican treated? Weldon Blames FBI Raid on "Liberal Machine Go ahead keep yourself stupid about the system and just rely on seeing Katie Kuric with less than a perky typical expression having been replaced by a serious and concerned look explaining how very "serious alligations" have come to light about (insert name here) republican. We live in a nation full of stupid ass fucktards. Thank god their lazy ass doesn’t mind answering questions on a phone survey. But they are far too ignorant to figure out how to vote.
I received a review copy of The Crusader on Wednesday. The book first references the Kennedy plan on page 206, and includes the complete Soviet memo, dated May 14, 1983, in the Appendix. It’s an eye opener. If the proposal is recognized as worthy, then Kennedy and his friends will bring about suitable steps to have representatives of the largest television companies in the USA contact Y. V. Andropov for an invitation to Moscow for the interview. Specifically, the board of directors of ABC, Elton Raul and the television columnists Walter Cronkite or Barbara Walters could visit Moscow. The senator underlined the importance that this initiative should be seen as coming from the American side.
After the NASCAR race I caught this on 60 min. This laid out some of the explanation about lobbying much better than I can put to words. This covers in some detail "earmarks" a term used in the lobby world. My complaint is that it is extremely rampant. And is allowed to exist in a wink / nod fashion. If you do not play the game you will not get funding for the next election. And you also will get ostracized by your colleagues. One could go out and take the chance that doing the right thing might buy the majority of votes regardless of funding or political power. But in the end you’re at the mercy of the media to get your message out. For some persons they know that is sheer political suicide. Also there is the other risk back home that your constituents although they are well sick of all the corruption and money influence and preach a good sermon against it on Sunday the remaining six days a week they want the pork and they don't want the ostracized politician representing their interest. It is an CBS story and to much to paste I hope the link stays live for some time here it is.
My god! Sorry for the spam but there is a whole cornecopia of information here. Please review the previous two posts and these links. Just what I have always wanted that is to force public disclosure about pork barrel spending and lobby influence.