Banned me did we? I'm about the best thing that has happened to this poor excuse of a board in awhile not a bright idea to ban me.
That's about thee most ridiculous sentence ever typed on this board... How about changing it a little to make it true. I'm about the biggest idiot, racist, rednecked, shiteating moron that has happened to this poor excuse of a board in awhile, best idea you ever had was to ban me. That's much, much closer to the mark than the original sentence.
Posting a picture of your pick-up truck on your myspace account officially put you in the redneck category.....
I'd ban you as well on my forum... but then again, I'd probably ban every single of the degenerated freaks inhabiting this forum (which would probably leave maybe 5-10 people who accidently signed up out of the 6160 members).
clonwing IP's (or "Spoofing" if you really knew what the fuck you were talking about) is soooo WIN95. I doubut you know shit about Internet Protocol, moreorless how to "spoof" an address, secondly, would you explian to us "lamers" (commoners) some more of your IP poweres? Maybe post a list of cirrent Proxies with port addresses? * waits in anticipation*
Sugar and Assholes Is 23 low or high? How does that affect you? Oh, and just to throw my two cents in, I'd bad that dickhead GrinJesus too. He seems like a real douche-bag.
As long as you spell douche-bag right, no one is likely to complain mudslinger. Dwaine - eat some m&m's.