The Times Square bomb that failed to explode in New York Saturday night would have likely killed people if it had, as outlined by the New York Police department. Law enforcement is looking for a person of interest that was captures on a video although the owner of the SUV that was packed with explosives has already been tracked down. As the manhunt resulting from the Times Square bomb 2010 continues, a group calling itself the "Pakistani Taliban" has taken credit for the botched bombing. The Times square bomb and South park Muhammad The Pathfinder holding the Times Square bomb -- a automobile that was stolen, not bought with an auto loan -- was parked near the headquarters of Viacom, the parent business of Comedy Central. Comedy Central censored an episode of South Park recently that has the Prophet Muhammad on there. The South Park Muhammad episode, and the fact the Times Square bomb was planted near Viacom, is fueling suspicions the attack was related to the controversy surrounding the Comedy Central cartoon program. Scare of Times Square bomb In a 1993 Nissan Pathfinder that a surveillance camera captured on video Saturday, the Times Square bomb was transported in. A street vendor notice smoke coming from the car and informed the police on Saturday. The Times Square bomb scare led to thousands of people getting evacuated from Times Square. New York Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly informed CNN that if the bomb had exploded, it “would have caused casualties, a significant fireball". The New York bomb was made from gasoline, firecrackers, analog alarm clocks and propane canisters. It was said by police the propane used were commonly used for barbecue grills. The firecrackers were consumer grade M-88 which are legal in some states. Times Square bomb plot claimed by Taliban The Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility for the Times Square bomb plot on an Islamist site, reports that the statement, which is now taken down, said "The Pakistani Taliban announces its responsibility for the New York attack in revenge for the two leaders al-Baghdadi and al-Muhajir and Muslim martyrs." The statement also explained that Qari Hussain Mehsud, who's known as the master mentor of Taliban suicide bombers, accepted responsibility for the New York bomb plot "with excellent pride and utmost bravery." Federal and local officials said there was no evidence to support the Pakistani Taliban's statement. New York bombing and Iraq Investigators were checking parallels between the New York bomb and coordinated attacks within the summer of 2007, Fox News reports. The attacks were at an airport in Glasgow, Scotland, in a neighborhood of nightclubs in London, and a theater. Both attacks involved cars containing propane and gasoline that also failed to explode. Authorities believe those attacks had roots in Iraq. Times Square bomb plotters' blunder The Pathfinder that had the bomb in it was taken to a forensics lab in Jamaica, Queens where it was searched for DNA, hairs, fingerprints, and fibers. No fingerprints had been found as of Sunday night, officials told the New York Times. The owner of the Pathfinder was identified through the car identification number. Although the thieves tried to strip the VIN number from the dashboard, they failed to recognize it would be stamped in other places such as the axle or engine block. Is he the Times Square bomber? The FBI gets to study 80 cameras worth of surveillance footage which includes one from a tourist shooting a man leaving the vicinity of the Pathfinder. The person of interest in the video was seen taking off a shirt and walking away shortly before the vehicle began to smolder. Resources Comedy Central Reuters reports New York Times
You know John Stewart and Keith Olberman are always making fun of Mohamid drawing him looking like a monkey and a pigs butt.
Are you high? When has Jon Stewart or Keith Olbermann ever showed a picture of the prophet Mohammad on their show? It's about South Park, not the other shows.
I've been watching Jon Stewart for years and I cannot recall him ever making fun of Muhammad. Maybe you have some specifics? After all, if I'm just putting on an act, it should be easy to prove me wrong. You also specifically said that they (Stewart and Olbermann) were "drawing him looking [sic] like a monkey and a pig's butt". Surely you have a video of that show or a link to that picture, right? You're not just talking out of your ass again are you?
Hey who am I to offend the religion of peace. But that John Stewart and Keith Olberman well that's a different story. They have no respect for the religion of peace and especially Muhammad.
Wouldn't it be ironically hilarious if Stewart or Olberman got their throat slit by some stupid Muslim though?
I don't think you grasp the concept of irony. Still waiting for that very incriminating picture or video you talked about. Who was putting on an act again? Hmmm... Fresh bullshit. You can always count on Joe to never run out of bullshit. :biggrin:
Ihonestly do not believe your that niave. Comedian lies to attempt to destroy or weaken persons with opposing philosophy. I lie and comedians throat is slit. Personally I find that ironic as well as hillarious.
Blah blah blah... Still waiting for something substantial. Same old bullshit. Same old shitty grammar. If you think that your petty bullshit has the power to get Jon Stewart's throat slit, you are one weird dude. Still the same old shit breath coming from Joe.