Those in the cocaine circles knew well which state

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Joeslogic, Jan 14, 2008.

  1. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    To get their cocaine flown into.

    For all you conspiracy theorist. Please look up Mena Arkansas and cocaine.

    This is a huge joke talk about the kettle calling the pot black. Look in the 80s I was knee deep in cocaine that is a thing of the past for me but in the Houston the only reliable guy I knew and I eventually found out several somewhat reliable people were getting their cocaine from the same guy. Got his from Arkansas. Later in the mid Eighties when I read about Mena it all made sense. As it turns out the Governor at the time was owned. He was a Coke head himself.

    Remember Bill Clinton did something his predecessors’ never did and to this day refuses still to release to the public his medical records.

    Trust me there are loads of evidence out there about Bill Clinton. The only reason I'm bringing it up is him trying to slam Obama on cocaine use is the epitome of hypocritical. Man lots of people died that ended up being a liability to this being proven. Several have witnessed to Bills cocaine involvement and all were said to not be creditable.
  2. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    It is amazing like the more outrageous the allegation the more easy to cover up in some cases. I have seen fake Clinton death lists referred to by web sites like urban legend. They even put out fake rumor to discredit all involved.

    Remember one of the first things the Clintons did when in office is hire a nobody patsy as "head of security" and used him to request over a thousand FBI background checks all opposition party. The idea to find out what anyone else knew and threaten to have dirt on if not every republican then at least one of their family members, loved ones, or financiers. This was simply protection information.
  3. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Google some of the gates if you like.

    Monica-gate, travel-gate, Foster-gate, FBI-gate, Ruby Ridge-gate, Waco-gate, Elian-gate, Bin Laden-gate, aspirin factory-gate, and the upcoming pardon-gate

    By the way Bush did not pardon Scooter Libby so it is a bit scary the whole idea that when one Googles "Pardon Gate" they get information on the Scooter Libby fiasco of justice. I’ll leave it up to you to figure that one out.
  4. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    how much cocaine did you do before you posted all this drivle?
  5. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Is it any surprise that Al Gore has such a large percentage of Google stock?
  6. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I bet it was Google that the Nobel Peace laureates hired to tally their votes for the "failed more classes than he barely passed but was able to convince the world that the world was convinced so therefore they should also be convinced that mankind more specifically United States built SUVs are to blame for the sunburn they got last time they vacationed at the beach" award.

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