It makes me want to fuck myself off a bridge. I know, "go ahead" right? Think I will...I'll be next door at myspace.
Fuck off, Tommy...I'm leaving you after years of abuse and that torturous episode with the tube sock and raw liver...
About as much as I loved watching you canoodling with that LLama on our honeymoon; I've told you time and again you fucktard: they hate lipstick.
I think it's going to look better and more like the old Fug' you knew once Jeff makes a decission on what he's going to do. I think I will be doing the theme, though I am still not sure on that either. Patience, my pretties.
You offer nothing but vague criticisms. You're one of the ones who recommended this board. If you're talking about the color scheme, that will be changed back to the original.
I modifed this a little: If somebody with a little more time to spend on it wants to take a stab at it, that would be great. If you edit it, please send it to Reizvolles since she is the only one I know of here who works designing sites.
Girm is upset no one from Fugly went over to his lame ass boards. I assume anyways, I've never been over there.
Memories light the corners of my mind Misty water-colored memories of the way we were Scattered pictures of the smiles we left behind Smiles we gave to one another for the way we were Can it be that it was all so simple then Or has time rewritten every line If we had the chance to do it all again Tell me, would we? Could we? Memories may be beautiful and yet What's too painful to remember We simply choose to forget So it's the laughter we will remember Whenever we remember... The way we were... The way we were...
Yes you always seem to assume or a lot. I just made an offer to a select few which didn't include you. I was talking about the Simple Machine bullshit. It sucks balls.
Ha I never recommended Simple Machines. I think my vote went to VBul or phpbb. What do you want me to say? I mean right now you got the green back up mixed with the default blue and blah blah. Go ahead use the old stand by call me an idiot & move along. At least I didn't rip the soul out my own website just to be like everyone else.