I smell the decaying corpse that was Fugly. It's true isn't it? I think we all must remain stalwart in our grief; a funeral is going to be needed in the near future. It started the day Heretic-Vet brought her plague of filth and has slowly been suffocating since.
Nope, it started the day that Fugly killed the forum link on the main page. It was the internet equivalent of pulling the plug on a ventilator. The patient has quit breathing, and the heart will stop beating shortly.
Dammit, you're right! I never even go to the main fugly page any more so I hadn't noticed. No wonder we've been slowly stewing in our own juices for so long. It was such fun flaming n00bs who'd only signed up looking for porn. HOMEWORK: Everyone to post a link to fuglyforums somewhere on the interweb. We need new blood, STAT!
Done. We got about 45 hits to the 'cappy time' thread overnight thanks to ~moi~. Get spamming for the love of GOD! Even the bowels of the forum seem to be failing...WHERE ARE YOU DWAINE!?!?!?!?
That should have been in the Caption Contest section. "In other news, police are looking for a suspected rapist that looks like, uh, well like me."