Ministry. Someone else, please post another Ministry song.
Just one Fix Gibby haynes presents, Jesus Built My hotrod lay lady lay Psalm 69 (Yes I KNOW thats not the real title) any requests?
Somehow, I don't remember that video being on the 'tapes of wrath' DVD... It's an interesting take on the video, but it's just a couple of people playing dildo-nunchucks... I noticed the 'Gibby haynes presents' on the link text, but I'm assuming he 'presents' the vocals in the track, and not the direction of that particular video? I prefer the original...
You are the ultimate Ministry fan. I can't think about Ministry and not think about you. Especially that first album you sent me... they really 'rocked' the early 80's.
Um... yeah... I'm glad you got the joke... Their newest shit is... well... shit. Might be good for a few listens, but it wears thin when you hear the same fucking song 12 times on a single album with new lyrics. Suffice it to say, I'm even more disappointed with the recent releases than their roots.