I like the idea and seems like it could be really controversial. Thought it might be of interest in this forum. http://www.kotaku.com/gaming/feature/handson-sorta-with-left-behind-eternal-forces-186638.php I'll cprobably catch shit for this link as if. But it shows the controversy of opinion on the topic. http://towleroad.typepad.com/towleroad/2006/05/christian_video.html
I got to add this one just because. The guy is so full of vim and hatred he uses all the political correctness spin he can possibly muster in his critique. http://melbourne.indymedia.org/news/2006/07/116128.php And that’s what I'm talking about its serious controversy.
Had to google his name to find out about the guy. Kinda interesting are his books like the Steven Kink sorts? Obviously with a christian moral theme I guess?
He is a Pathologist, and Cristian Fantasy book writer... Barry vcan probly tell you more about Peretti than I can.
Yeah I spent a good 30 45 min. on his websight. Interesting guy I bet his books are a good read. So what do you think about the game idea?
Don't know. It's easy to screw those games up. It could be done, but the concept itself isn't a problem. Run it on Command and Conquer engine or something.
That’s got nothing to do with the game play. Besides look at all the many games that are out there already with the same type of game play and an occult theme. Gets fucking old. Here you can be like a crusader mowing down infidels.
I need look no further to Christian's and their version of "rock" to speculate how their game will be. It's all just Call of Duty throwaway maps and added "For Jezus!" tracks to the vocals. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to order Worship Jams for my daughter so she'll fit in at school.
This game looks different but, at the end of the day (not the "End of Days") it needs to be fun. Some people complain about GTA and gamers drape themselves in the 1st Amendment. Crying about a Christian game would be hypocritical. I like Ghost Recon because it's fun. I don't delve too deeply in whatever political backstory may drive it. Grand Theft Auto is a great game but I don't let my kids play it (yet.) Whatever message lies within, if it sucks, it sucks. And yes, most Christian rock does suck. I tried to like Stryper but couldn't. (But Disciple is a good band) Maybe this game will be an interesting departure from the onslaught of "me-too" FPSs that have pervaded the shelves. And maybe it'll suck. But the message won't necessarily determine that. I'm a Christian. Don't be hatin'.
Doesn't mean the music you listen to is any good. As I Lay Dying is pretty good, though I don't know that you could call them a "Christian" band. I know all of the guys are Christians though.
Well, before we turn this into a music thread, my point was that one's ideology notwithstanding, this game will live or die based on its merits as a game, not as a delivery means for the Gospel. I don't have an agenda, here, but that editorial on "Towel-Rod" or whatever it was that Joe posted was, indeed, venomous and I didn't get the basis for his fears. Baptism -- It's in the GAME! Lighten up.