OK....I think I have seen the whole damn internet now...... I have seen every dumb skater crash, every dumb kid in the whole world do every dumb thing. I have seen every vidoe'd motorcycle crash. I have seen people light themselves on fire(some were accidental, some were intentional but a lot were obviously too dumb to realize that fire hurts) I have seen things I wish I could Un-see. I have read EVERYONE of Nauseaus' posts; they have a Statistical occurance of apearing as ODD numbered posts 76.8% of the time I have been to every free porn site and seen every bad porn clip on the net. I have seen EVERY youtube video every retard with a video camera has ever posted. I have flamed people for no reason except sheer boredom...... I have stolen every song off of every P2P I can find and never listen to them. I think now there is nothing left in my life except to spend it lurking around lesbian forums and flame them for fun. Thoughts anyone? (but who fucking cares because I've probly already seen 'em!:biggrin
THOUGHTS ANYONE... yeah, get a life, a job, and a date... get away from the internet. Hell I thought I spent to much time online... and all I do is come here... and Craigslist. My fave type of videos on youtube are ... magic tricks exposed, huge pimple popping, weird animals
Speaking of having too much time on one's hands... What the hell led you to watching those kinda videos? Are things really that boring in Georgia? Last time I drove through there, I witnessed some redneck kicking and beating the shit out of their pickup truck at the filling station in retribution for what appeared to me as being a direct result of maintenance negligence on their part. Far from me to step up and defend the poor inanimate object - I was too busy trying to find my video camera.,..
I have no idea what lead me to the pimple popping... but it is fun to watch. 90% of the ones I saw were not "pimples" but huge abscess or major infections... drainage of puss that could fill a 8 oz cup. Gross one had some redneck taking a steak knife to break the skin... ug I have no idea why I like watching that. I am a weirdo I guess... hell you dont even want to my search words for the porn sites - then you would definitely think I am a weirdo
What an accomplishment, you've done it all in your short but miseable life, so to speed things along, try eating the gun, it'll put you out of your misery in an instant. Sorry to hear that you have spent so much time on the interweb. That's not what Al Gore had in mind when he invented it.
Of course not. He had baby seals and cars that run on used vegetable oil in mind when he devised the whole plan. Duh.