Months after his departure, an ex-fuglyite who shall remain nameless in this thread please is still getting the odd mention. Like a bad smell that won't clear no matter how many doors and windows you leave open. Meanwhile, the exit of our dearly beloved (and my only fellow American) Whipone has rated barely a whimper. So this is the thread dedicated to changing all that. All Whipone nostalgia, career highlights, etc should be placed tenderly here, much as a bouquet would be placed at a cenotaph on Veteran's Day (or ANZAC day as some people call it in Australia). Go easy on the lovesick missives though please, dio. Do it, if not for yourself, then for our little Aussie battler, Whip.
Sorry, bungle. I forgot you were the sensitive guy type. Better hope Nursey didn't bring her strap on or you might be the one getting hurt by the stick.
Obviously you all missed this little appearance. ......hums the tune of Hotel California..... Barry
Sensative person dude. Besides, they say male g-spot is right there on the ol' prostrate, and the therapists say not to be scared of pleasure. . . I'm just so confused.
And what a shame he should die at such an early age, and under such tragic circumstances. What a waste.