The way they are actting about Coretta Scott King.....

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by TheGrimJesus, Feb 7, 2006.

  1. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    The next thing you know we will be naming every other street in the country after her and will have a Fed Holiday.

    I'm kind of glad these 60's Civil rights leaders are kicking the bucket. Maybe we can get a break about hearing how bad they got it.
  2. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Yeah! Yeah! I kind of yearn for those times again, a humble, educated black man seems to be a lot better than what we got nowadays; a crack-smokin', welfare-leeching, no-GED-having, probation-having, Ghetto-music-blastin', burglarizing black man.
  3. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Its not this formerly humble mans; now ghettoblasting, rioting welfarebums fault, that he, through Mrs King, is GWBs proof of interracial bliss and american happiness.

    All that antiracist bliss and politician.provided celebration must be stressfull
  4. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Doubt they're going to do much after they bury her. She helped Dr. King do what he needed to do, and she should be honored for that. She's done more for this country than most.
  5. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    So they dishonor her by taking a somber moment. And go against what she and her husband stood for spreading hatred as usual.

    If it were not for black people’s grief what would the likes of Al Sharpton, or Jessie Jackson do? They have turned Hatred into a money making institution and all on the back of the black man. Peace, tranquility? Hell they cannot afford that.
  6. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Both Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton are rapidly becoming fringe radicals though. Honestly think about it, who gives a shit about Jessie Jackson anymore. He's been made obsolete to the point that he had to use the Jackson (Michael) trial as a platform to get his views across. He's been made obsolete by his own foolishness in chasing causes that have no value. Blackspoitation at it's finest.
  7. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Jackson problem is he wanted to be bigger then MLK. But he came along when there was no longer a cause to be fought for.

    So he shot himself in the foot and has tried to blow little things into large things.
  8. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    No argument there. He's made things that should be left alone into race issues, as opposed to dealing with actual inequalities. The problem is I don't see any of these leaders challenging the black community to change this internally. No one is calling for a basic change in black values but Bill Cosby, and no one is listening to him because he sounds just like "whitey".
  9. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Exactly Grim his existence depends entirely upon conflict within the black community against whitey. Without that he is 0 zero nothing therefore the dream of Martin Luther King will never be realized. The Democrats and there puppets the black leaders exist on the power of hatred. Call it black hatred on white or call it white hatred on black. Either way it is there power base. This hatred has to be stirred up from time to time they cannot allow it to settle. So they use the Coretta King funeral as a means to achieve there end which is 180 degrees off of Martin Luther King’s dream. GW should have called them out on it right then and there. Then they could have acted OFFENDED. That would have been a terribly OFFENSIVE thing for GW to do. Not that what they were doing was offensive at all.
  10. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    How far off is black leadership right now, they filed a lawsuit against the National Weather Institute for not naming any hurricanes after Black people. This was in 2001, of all the issues facing black's in America, that one was the most important at the time?????
  11. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Dude, this is actually an area where I would tend to believe the whole Smurf apocalyptic vision. The black people as a whole I think are more hate filled now than ever. They bring up there children teaching them to hate. They are so brainwashed its hard for me to imagine it ever changing. I search high and low far and wide for a black person who sees it for what it is and there are a few. Those that can manage to see through the blood red shades of hatred that have been permanently fixed upon there eyes by there parents and see the light of truth are exceptional people. I suppose Mr. Cosby is one example I hold him in very high regard.
  12. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Unfortunately you fall into the area of the bible belt. The south hasn't exactly been a breeding ground for tolerance on either side of the field. I understand what you're saying though, and I would like to see it change. It probably will, but not in my lifetime. Unless some people really get started and get the ball rolling.
  13. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I'm exceptionally pissed off right now about it. Maybe there is hope. But as far as I can tell your wrong all the Dems as a whole use the race card. Hatred is a powerful tool and all to convenient. Create a racial dilemma and as far as the media is concerned: Which party is the problem? -and- Which party is the answer? Answer those to questions and you have motive. That motive is what drives it.
  14. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    I can see what your saying, but republicans, maybe not elected republicans, but definitely there voting base, reverse the trend. Listen to enough AM radio and you would think that illegal immigration was the root of every problem in the history of western civilization.
  15. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Watch the gap between black and white widen in the coming years. The Depression will be an opportunity for many a division to be exploited by those who control us to keep us fighting ourselves.
  16. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    True Dio and that’s why I'm and independent. But I sympathies with the statement the Conservative callers are calling in with. If the immigration were legal 60% would not be calling in the other 40% would bitch cause they see foreigners as a threat. This to some extent is actually true. The arguments are compelling. Honest potential legal immigrants are encouraged to break the law. It’s really complicated and hard to become a citizen legally, however on the same token easy to come in illegally.

    I started working my first job when I was 15. I have never filed for any government assistance. Paid hell catching up on bills once because of it also after being in the hospital for over a month. I could have filed for assistance then. I have never gone more than a few weeks without work since first beginning. My jobs have been numerous and in various fields and I have worked hard. Each week or bi-weekly I have paid into social security of which I have never used. That’s roughly 23 years of paying into a system. If one illegal alien comes into this country at the age of 38 and has a heart attack he potentially can go into the medical system and takes out most if not all of the money I spent a whole lifetime paying in. And to add insult to injury there will be a trial lawyer in the wings waiting if the Dr. makes a mistake to profit and harm the system further.

    If they come in legally they pay taxes like the rest. Of course there is an argument about bogus social security numbers and what kind of fix is that? That’s simply a bogus argument or at best an argument for legal immigration also.

    If we keep out the honest hard working non-desperate immigrant and allow the ms13 types. How does that look.

    There are bigots calling in for sure as a percentage of the callers. But does that null and void all the facts that support legal instead of illegal immigration?
  17. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Doesn't matter. They're blaming problems that have nothing to do with illegal immigration on illegal immigration. Even the most extravagant estimates put illegal immigrant populations at less the 30 million, and that's about 1% of the population. They blow the problem out of proportion while ignoring real problems, for example, a record budget deficit. Or serious ethics violations in the Senate and Congress. How about profiteering by Haliburton and it's subsidiaries. How about the fact that it is illegal for Dick Cheney to be on the payroll, or accept pay, of any corporation. And yet somehow he is still receiving over $100,000 dollars a year in benefits and pay from none other than Haliburton. See the problem? And as far as the liberal medie, you ever heard of Jim Guckert? How about Jeff Ganon? That should have been Lewinski debacle 2.0, and somehow that got swept over. My biggest indicator that the media is doing a fair job is the fact that the liberal left bitches about them, and the conservative right bitches about them. If they're pissing off both sides, they're doing something right.
  18. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Jim Guckert? How about Jeff Ganon?

    Now you are guilty of uncovering the identity of a covert CIA operative. The investigation will be forthcoming.

    The media howls about right wing media to pacify minds like apparently your own. As for Halliburton you can make any thing look suspicious if you twist it enough. During the election process Dick unloaded a bunch of Halliburton stock for the purpose of avoiding the appearance of a conflict of interest and he was accused of insider trading. Then the legitimate shares he legally owns seem to be a problem that he kept.

    Dio you smarter than that.

    As far as Jim or Jeff heh if it was a democratic party everyone would be yelling: Right on! Party of diversity! But the Republicans are involved so suddenly it's a scandal?
  19. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    The reason it's a scandal is he was given access to the white house with press clearances he shouldn't have had because he was using an assumed name. I don't mind Cheney unloading his stocks for Haliburton, he should have done that, I never cried "insider trading". Fuck Martha Stewart by the way, she's a money grubbing whore, no Julia Childs, I'll tell you that. The reason it never became a scandal is it never made more than a blip on the "liberal" media radar. And on my way to work today I heard confirmation of your claim that Iraqi insurgents have begun to turn on Al Quaeda operatives on none other than the bastion of liberal radio, NPR. You'll never convince me of a liberal media, it doesn't exist. The media is what it is. Not a whole lot of media outlets calling for the Communist revolution now are there?
  20. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Ever study the Fabian Socialists movement?

    Basically the Dems have adopted the Fabian Socialists policy and strategy. The media and educational system is onboard to assist wherever and whenever possible. It's the key to success of Fabian Socialism strategy slow, consistent, constant change outside the radar of a dumbed down society.

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