Interactive based comedy site featuring Will Ferrell, Harland Williams, Dave Allen, Tom Wilson and Brent Butt among others. Great graphics- remember to click on the church and comedy club to check out additional videos, skits, discussions to navigate through, very entertaining. Worth taking a look at :lol:
Interactive based comedy site featuring Will Ferrell, Harland Williams, Dave Allen, Tom Wilson and Brent Butt among others. Great graphics- remember to click on the church and comedy club to check out additional videos, skits, discussions to navigate through, very entertaining. Worth taking a look at :lol:
How'd you happen to find out about that great site of yours? You seem overly excited to share your joy. Being it what, your second post?
Found out about it through a friend who helped design the site- posted twice b/c I forgot to add the link the first time! :lol: