The Scientific Case For Life After Death

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Nursey, May 18, 2007.

  1. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    I came to the conclusion long ago that, based on observable phenomenon, death is not the end of all we are. Energy can't be destroyed, just transformed.

    These clips are only about 6 mins long. Some interesting points are made:

    Linking Life After Death To Subatomic Physics (against the law in the U.K.)

    Life After Death Survival Physics

    Not directly related, but still relevant:

    Intelligent Design Scientist Denied Tenure Despite Exceeding Standard Requirements, Says the Discovery Institute

    Your thoughts?
  2. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    Have you ever looked into EVP, its quite fasctinating what they can record in audio/video that wasn't there before.. faces in still frames and stuff like that.
  3. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    These are just theories anyway

    It might be that there really IS a 'heaven' but its not what we thought it was, as in ancient times it was highly mystical because we didnt have the science to find out, but we know a lot more, how to manipulate atoms and cells. We've discovered the way things work at this micro level the universe can be approached in the same way. It could be that the idea of heaven and cosmic energies are linked. Even solid objects are, at the atomic level, just energies bound with electro-magnetism and such and while most of the objects that contain them are inanimate, we get to animals & plants which i'm sure given a sufficient eco system would evolve naturally (Darwins example) and humans, the big exception. Did we really evolve from monkies to be this good at everything?

    There is energy all around us, but most of it lies in the 'heavens', a giant cosmic pool (possibly locked within the secrets of dark matter who knows?). The perception of ones own existence could come from this energy pool and all matter(and bodies) are simply a vessel for energies. Think of it like having a production line of empty bottles, these subsequently being filled, packed and sent on to distribution. If these energies exist and have manifested within us, then it could be said that this is what gives us 'life'. It could be that when you die the life force returns to it or that entities who do not realise the material body is merely a vessel, do not want to, or cannot let go, end up as ghosts. NDE's could likely be visiting this energy pool, who can really say.

    Anyway without ranting too much, I believe there is a lot more to 'life' and its place in the universe and a lot of things can be linked. What gives us this I-Think-Therefor-I-Am difference over these other things and what is the 'soul' and what is 'heaven'??? I'll keep trying to figure it out.
  4. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    People are going to belive whatever they want to belive despite facts.
  5. improtected

    improtected New Member

    we actually did the EVP at the hunt.. i'll try to post a link if i can figure it out.
  6. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Basically one of what I think is the more compelling arguments against Darwin’s theory. Also while our culture has evolved in some ways it I believe has reverted in others. People do not see it because they refuse to see things out side of the little perceptive box they have placed themselves in. Go to the 17th century for example. Take your top 20 percent of exceptional people. Then do the same today. Place the group on it own survivor island say Australia. Forbid them from intermingling. And provide zero resources. Which do you think would end up devising a more habitable environment? Which group would fare the best?

    I think it would at the least be interesting. Sure it is easy to point out various backward aspects of their societies. But that is out nature to point out their ignorance’s while believing ourselves to be brilliant.
  7. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Naw, I think it's got more to do with our initial freedom from the enslavement of the alien presence that helped to evolve the apes into the beginnings of what we are today than anything...

    But that's just one opinion...
  8. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    It's all pretty interesting. I have always wanted someone to dumb down quantum mechanics and explain it to me. Subatomic Physics is another thing I know nothing about, but don't 1) have the intellect or 2) the attention span to learn much about it.

    I think our brains give us the 'energy' that we have come to know as 'life', 'death', 'heaven', 'hell' and 'earth'. And when our brain goes, all of the above... *poof* gone! Whatever energy is left is given to the incests or helps fuel a fire.

    Kinda reminds me of this song

    Ugly Casanova-Parasites

    The parasites are excited when you're dead
    eyes bulging, entering your head.
    and all your thoughts, they rot.
    god and satan they gamble when you're dead
    beams of light, one sprite, the other's bourbon instead
    and all your thoughts, they rot.
    it was hot and time was stickin to my skin.
    we're all a punchline to a joke that they won't let us in on.
    and all your thoughts, they rot
  9. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    ;D ;D ;D
  10. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Freudian slip. I'm from WV. ;D
  11. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    I keep abandoning threads i start. I'll come back to this when i'm really bored or something.
  12. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    You stated the first law of thermodynamics as a reason for believing in life after death. However, like a gasoline engine as Nauseas pointed out carbon is turned to heat. We eat things and give off heat. Our DNA is what keeps things in order by making enzymes and proteins to maintain the our status. As we age we get more and more defects in our DNA (that is what aging is) and things become less and less ordered making it more likely we will succumb to disease. It is really the 2nd law of thermodynamics which states that everything in the universe must continually become more disordered or random. So for everything that becomes ordered more things must become disordered. So for example you eat how many cow in your lifetime to maintain your the orderliness of your body by getting the necessary protein and the cow eats how much grass. The body is really just a bunch of chemical reactions and electrical impulses. However, it all goes back to how did we get order in the universe to begin with or how did matter or energy come about in the first place if there is no God? So this is the reason alot of physicist give for believing in some kind of Creator.

  13. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Ok Dan that was one of your best I'm sure. A different angle that makes sense and one I never considered before. This basically ties in with the quote
  14. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    We all could be just microbes in a petri dish, to another incredibly vast entity.
  15. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    Wasn't that a scene from Animal House?


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