The right to be anti-Semitic

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by g_yuval, Sep 27, 2001.

  1. g_yuval

    g_yuval New Member

    The americans have the right to be anti-Semitic, They are important cause they holding all the aconomy.

    the Germans have the right to be anti-Semitic, Cause they had airplanes and tanks in the WWII, ant they where one of the most powerfule army in europe

    the france people have the right to be anti-Semitic cause they have the eiffel tower.

    the english people have the right to be anti-Semitic cause they have Pink floyd, and other graet Bands.

    The saudi Arabian have the right to be anti-Semitic cause They have oil.

    But the Austrian ..... they can't be anti-Semitic, they didn't do anything, the only thing they made was Shnitzel!!!....and polka, U can't call to destroy another nation only because you invented the snitzel!
  2. yomamazagreasymofo

    yomamazagreasymofo New Member

    Hey, Austria gave us Mozart, and as faggoty as it may sound, I LIKE Mozart. So, yes, Austrians can be anti-Semites, too.
  3. g_yuval

    g_yuval New Member

    Well....Mozart is good, But not good enoght to bring the Austrian To be anti-Semitic, I that case nobody can be anti-Semitic, cause Albert Einstein Was a Jew.

    Did you know?
    The state of israel asked Albert Einstein To be her presedent in the 50's But he refused.

    Why I'm telling u that? I have no idea
  4. SirPsychoSexy

    SirPsychoSexy New Member

    Austria was Germany's bitch in WWII, so they have the right to be the anti-semetic bitch.
    Oh wait, they are.
  5. g_yuval

    g_yuval New Member

    But....Hitler was Austrian And ha had only one testicle, How can you be racist with only one testicle?

    This in another reason why Austria Cant be Anti-Semitic, The mans there have only one testicle!

    Did you know?
    By the Natzi faith, Hitler should have been Shoot dead, He was disabled and is father wad half jew.
  6. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

  7. g_yuval

    g_yuval New Member

    What the fuck are u "I Murder Afghani Children too"????

    Is there anything in the world that is moving and you dont hate?
  8. Manila

    Manila New Member

    God Damm, you fucking bunch of sorry-ass low lives!

    'Bet 'till a week ago you had no fucking clue as to the whereabouts of Afginisten. Fuck, you probably don't know in what continent it’s! And a day before Pearl Harbor, you thought Chinese people only exist in Chinatown. You are the sorriest group of losers I have ever laid my eyes on, you Rednick mother-fuckers, going on Ricky Lake, telling everyone how you slept with your mother while drinking your brothers' piss and worshipping the devil, blaming it all on your ant that thinks she's a vampire and on you're fat ass that's as big as a tent - LIKE I GIVE A FUCK.
    Infinite Justice my ass. Just five years ago you were paying good tax dollars to help the Taliban, god, you're idiots! And after Israeli jets bombed Iraq's nuclear factory, you all went sissy on us and condemned the "act of aggression", now you're flying Tomahawk’s into nursery’s like there's no tomorrow.
    Shit, you can't even produce decent music, you gay shit-holes, smearing all over each other in some Gay-Nazi parade!
    Fuck, you're not even a fucking country! You're Italians, British, Jews, Hispanic, Irish... but there's no such thing as an AMERICAN! You are all like this planet's biggest dump -gathering around you what other nations puke out.

    Oh, and you can't grow Goiavot.

    So, next time you think you're so clever, and class-less and free - well, think again, because you're all just fucking peasants as far as I can see

    (John Lennon - BRITISH)
  9. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    Ohhh I must have struck a nerve... How do you stop a palastine teenager from throwing rocks?

    Yes I hate everything... Especially you... How can I be racist? Im black....
  10. methinks

    methinks New Member

    yah you have a right to believe whatever you want to fucking believe

    and i have the right to believe you're a mother fuckin' jackass for believin it.
  11. Manila

    Manila New Member

    Oh, shut the FUCK up, you don't even know
    Where the Palestinian authority is, and you wrote "Palestine teenager" instead of "Palestinian", you dumb ass, go and watch MTV or whatever you people do when you're not trying to take over the world.

    P.S - your government may be The Brain, but make no mistakes - you're Pinky
  12. methinks

    methinks New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Man'ila:
    you dumb ass<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    oh yah...we all know he's a dumbass here
    and a very prejudiced one at that. might as wel get used to it.
  13. Manila

    Manila New Member

    My English is better than your Hebrew.

    Go and fuck your baby-sister, you jerk off.

    Oh, and by the way, never in the history of the world, had ten people killed 6,000....
    Ever heard of flight inspections?
  14. yomamazagreasymofo

    yomamazagreasymofo New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Man'ila:
    P.S - your government may be The Brain, but make no mistakes - you're Pinky<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
    You must be from a really piss-poor area, where they don't speak English, much less be able make analogies using the human anatomy. How the hell did you learn how to use a computer?
  15. Emetic

    Emetic New Member

    {aside to everyone else: I wonder how long these new Yiddish morons last...}
  16. Manila

    Manila New Member

    If you would stop starring at your cock for a second, hoping it would grow, you would have realized that it was from Pinky and the Brain, probably the best thing you ever gave to civilization
  17. yomamazagreasymofo

    yomamazagreasymofo New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Man'ila:
    If you would stop starring at your cock for a second, hoping it would grow, you would have realized that it was from Pinky and the Brain, probably the best thing you ever gave to civilization<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Oh, that explains it. Idolizing a cartoon about mice in labs once having experiments done on them. Got a Mengela complex do you?
    (Suggestion: Put down the Spiegelman comic, too)
  18. Manila

    Manila New Member

    Well, it's on the big shinny thing that shows you colors...

    It's the only thing you people can relate to.
    That and drinking piss.

    And about Dr. Mangela, you're forgetting that he also did experiments in which he would take a knife, a couple of guys and see whether one twin dieing will also kill the other one... Or 6,000 more...
  19. yomamazagreasymofo

    yomamazagreasymofo New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by g_yuval:
    How can you be racist with only one testicle?


    *Man missing one testicle walks up to Yuval, and says, "You nigger-faggot kike!"*

    See, that wasn't tough to concieve...
  20. yomamazagreasymofo

    yomamazagreasymofo New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Man'ila:
    Well, it's on the big shinny thing that shows you colors...

    It's the only thing you people can relate to.
    That and drinking piss.

    And about Dr. Mangela, you're forgetting that he also did experiments in which he would take a knife, a couple of guys and see whether one twin dieing will also kill the other one... Or 6,000 more...

    Jeezus, you are a fucking idiot.

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