There are some disturbing images in the following video I wonder how the people in the U.S would react if this was played on CNN instead of the latest shots of Britney or American Idol finalists .The "news" that is being fed to the masses on a daily basis is so sterilized that people lose touch with the reality that is actually going on in the world. The statistics and numbers that are being thrown out there in the mainstream media don't have a real face to them and it becomes a matter of just another number being reported and not the reality of what these soldiers and civilians are facing everyday.Stories like the one I've posted here are what the public should be faced with so that real solutions to the ongoing middle east problems and why these people hate western society so much could be tried instead of feeding the public fear that an Iraqi is going to come to their hometown and blow them up ,when in reality it is more likely that some nut from their hometown who has a chip on his shoulder about something real or imagined will go on a shooting spree. The sad reality is that in the mainstream media this will not happen because this would cause profit losses and we all know that profitablity is what really determines what becomes a story.
Looks pretty tame to me. I think the left wing commies must have been hoping for something better than that though. As for the traitors rather than them being stalked, tracked, and decommissioned. They risk nothing but honor they never had. They are instead buying liberal credit points good for cashing in on a political position or a union position with a fat paycheck to do nothing. Look I predicted long ago that people would be enlisting in for the sake of being a "Whistle Blower" It's a big military are you doubting this is the case? that .001 percent of the military could be pathological liars with an attraction for the fanfare and hero's welcome for being the "Whistle Blower". Like that fraud who ran for president in 2004. John Heinz.... or was it Kerry?
The video is kind of laughable in many respects. It states that if people saw supposedly what "is really going on" they would "demand an urgent resolution of the conflict" after stating that "a couple hundred US servicemen" and a few thousands iraqis were killed in such and such time. However, it doesn't propose how people demanding an urgent resolution of the conflict would save any lives. It's as if the "real news" is implying there is a magical solution that everyone knows about but is not being pursued for a reason that is not given and that the magical solution is so obvious that "real news" need not even state what it is. I presume the couple thousand iraqis fatalities if that is an accurate figure were largely due to infighting between factions and suicied bombs. Does anyone really think that if US troops pulled out before the country was stabilized that there would actually be a decrease and not a exponential increase in Iraqi deaths? Violence in fact decreased with the troop surge which has been reported in all media outlets. The second "real news" statement was a so-called "winter soldier" stating that he shot someone he called "the fatman". What he doesn't say is why or why it was wrong to do that. So really it is kind of meaningless with no context. He goes on to state that his superior officer made a statement about "killing 1/2 the population of northern ramadi" and then shows the video of the statement being made by supposedly his superior officer. The statement or even the video may sound like bravado but it really isn't suprising or even a statement that implies any kind of guilt for an act that wasn't appropriate. Humor is a pretty common way of dealing with situations that are difficult. If there were a large number of enemy combatants that were killed in Northern Ramadi it really wouldn't be surprising for that kind of statment to be made pointing out the absurdity of the number of enemy combatants that had to be killed. The same types of humor are common in ERs throughout the country when severe accidents and car accident casualities are treated by physicians. The humor helps to blow off steam and allow the physician to concentrate on the task at hand while it may seem abrasive it is sometimes a necessary coping mechanism for a difficult situation. The statement that was allegedly made about "Whoever gets first kill by stabbing gets a 4 day pass" could easily fall into the same category if in fact it was ever really made. As far as not seeing the effect of motar rounds the only thing that can be done is try to place the rounds as accurately as possible. However, soldiers have a duty to protect themselves as well as their fellow combatants. The statement that soldiers shot up mosques "to blow off steam" followed by footage of the shooting of a tower. It did not appear to me that the little tower was occupied by people. It is also unclear whether that tower was involved in a skirmish or was just some stock footage used. I am sure that in an operation the size of the Iraqi was there are some inappropriate things that go on but I don't believe it is by any means widespread and after all it has been documented that Sadaam Hussein killed thousands and thousands of people. Millions if you count the Iran-Iraq war which accomplished nothing.
I find it hard to believe that Dan wrote that. No spelling errors, correct punctuation, no run on sentences, and fairly intelligent. Cut and Paste strikes again.
The point of the video was more to show that the corporate media didn't even cover this as news and that embedded journalists that want to be close to the action can, provided they sign an agreement not to show American casualties to the public. Now I'm not saying that Americans should be faced with seeing their sons and daughters faces on the 6 o'clock news,however the fact that these soldiers that are speaking out about things in Iraq have a lot of courage and to me are not traitors but are risking being labelled that by telling their stories.What do they have to gain if they are lying and making this up? The first 2 world wars saw huge numbers of men lining up to fight in a just fight to keep peace in the world and now after 5 years in Iraq,troops are being redeployed or extended because there aren't enough replacements signing up . Do you really believe that there will come a day when the U.S will withdraw the soldiers from Iraq?Not when there is the imminent threat of Iran next door that Cheney and Bush keep telling the public about ,and when the military has spent all that time and money setting up permanent bases in Iraq. The fact is the people were lied to and this is about oil and profit and not about democracy .Do you feel safer now or do the vast majority think that Iraq is still going to attack the U.S and Iran is looking for a war with the world's largest superpower . I mean really ,1 aircraft carrier has enough firepower to destroy Irans entire airforce and yet people believe they are a threat to the U.S.As far as the nuclear threat from Iran if they got a missile and fired it Iran would become a glass parking lot within an hour and I don't believe they are that crazy. A war with Iran would turn out the same way as Iraq with the U.S decimating the conventional resources of Iran and end up fighting a guerilla style war like they are bogged down with in Iraq but at least then I guess the US would have pretty well complete control over middle east oil and then maybe we wouldn't be paying 4-5 dollars a gallon for gas but then again maybe we will because why drop the price when there is all that money to be made off the backs of the masses . Keep people looking for the boogeyman and you can get away with anything.
Well I guess if McCain gets elected then we have a mandate. The people have spoken and they want more of the same.